diplomsko delo
Ariana Šuc (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga obravnava problem mednarodnega pravnega varstva tujcev v Sloveniji. Temeljni zakon, ki ureja področje mednarodne zaščite v Republiki Sloveniji, je Zakon o mednarodni zaščiti s kratico "ZMZ-1". V njem je definiran pojem mednarodne zaščite, ki pomeni status begunca ali status subsidiarne zaščite. Probleme mednarodnega pravnega varstva tujcev v Sloveniji pričajoče diplomsko delo, s pomočjo deskriptivne metode, tudi opiše in ponazori. Republika Slovenija je država članica Evropske unije, ki stremi k vzpostavitvi skupnega evropskega azilnega sistema, kar bi posledično pomenilo tudi enoten sistem politike mednarodne zaščite ter s tem uveljavitev vsaj enakih minimalnih standardov na področju azila. Postopek mednarodne zaščite bi namreč moral biti za vse prosilce hiter, pravičen in pošten, kar pa v praksi, na žalost, pogosto ne drži. Bistvenega pomena je zavedanje pomembnosti mednarodne zaščite ter soočenja s problemi, s katerimi se na tem področju srečujejo njeni prosilci v Republiki Sloveniji. Nedvomno bi bilo potrebno nameniti večjo pozornost vzdrževanju in zagotavljanju ustreznih bivalnih razmer, še posebno pri problematiki namestitve mladoletnih tujcev v centrih za tujce (tistih s spremstvom, kot tudi brez spremstva). Prav tako še vedno ni bila sprejeta sistemska oblika nastanitve in obravnave mladoletnikov brez spremstva. V praksi je nadalje zaznati problem s čakanjem na sprejem prošenj za mednarodno zaščito. Pojavljajo se tudi problemi z odvzemom prostosti. Dodana vrednost naloge je zagotovo izjava Tamare Erjavec, zakonite zastopnice za mladoletnike (poglavje 5.1.3), ki pojasni svoje stališče ter mnenje do problema sistemske oblike nastanitve in obravnave mladoletnikov brez spremstva iz svojih lastnih izkušenj, zbranih med delom na omenjenem področju.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [A. Šuc]
UDC: 341:314.151.3-054.73(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 2048006628 Link will open in a new window
Views: 85
Downloads: 15
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This thesis deals with the problem of international legal protection of foreigners in Slovenia. The basic law governing the field of international protection in the Republic of Slovenia is the International Protection Act ("Zakon o mednarodni zaščiti") with the abbreviation "ZMZ-1". It defines the concept of international protection, which otherwise means refugee status or subsidiary protection status. By means of a descriptive method, the thesis also describes and illustrates the problems of international legal protection of foreigners in Slovenia. The Republic of Slovenia is a Member State of the European Union that aims at establishing a Common European Asylum System, which would consequently also mean a unified system of international protection policy, thereby enforcing at least the same minimum standards in the field of asylum. The international protection procedure should be swift, just and fair for all applicants for international protection, which, unfortunately, is often not the case in practice. It is essential to realise the importance of international protection and confrontationwith the problems encountered by the applicants for international protection in the Republic of Slovenia. Undoubtedly, more attention should be paid to the maintaining and securing of adequate housing conditions, and the problem of placing foreign minors in the centresfor foreigners- the accompanied ones, and especially the unaccompanied ones, has been pointed out for a long time as well. A systemic form of accommodation and treatment of unaccompanied minors has not been adopted yet either; furthermore, in practice, a problem with the waiting for acceptance of applications for international protection is still detected, as well as problems regarding deprivation of liberty. The added value of the assignment is certainly the statement of Tamara Erjavec, a legal representative for minors (section 5.1.3), explaining her position and opinion about the problem with the systemic form of accommodation and treatment of unaccompanied minors from her own experience, gathered while working in the aforesaid field.
Secondary keywords: Mednarodno pravo;Diplomske naloge;Begunci;Slovenija;
Type (COBISS): Final reflection paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 16. 9. 2019;
Pages: 60 str.
ID: 11269738