magistrsko delo
Katjuša Slana (Author), Jasmin Kaljun (Mentor)


Tema magistrske naloge je vezana na večen problem novopečenih staršev – otrokovo spanje. Ideja mojega izdelka je zato nastala z namenom premagati to težavo in s tem omogočiti spanec tako staršem kot otroku. Starševstvo se je skozi čas vsekakor spremenilo in z novimi generacijami se vse bolj povečuje zanimanje za otroške izdelke in tehnologije, povezane z njimi, ki novopečenim staršem olajšajo vsakdanja opravila, skrajšajo čas dela in povečajo njihovo učinkovitost. V magistrski nalogi je zajet celoten razvoj izdelka po metodi »Design thinking«, ki je znana metodologija kreativnega reševanja problemov. Po raziskavi trga, analizi zbranih podatkov, podanih s strani bodočih in že obstoječih mamic, analizi vplivov zvoka na dojenčke in analizi strogih standardov v industriji otroških izdelkov sem prišla do razvoja različnih idej forme, mehanizmov, vključitve tehnologije, pa tudi stvari povezanih z blagovno znamko. Končni izdelek je rezultat vključitve uporabnikovih potreb in želja ter, kar je najpomembnejše, predstavlja rešitev in v procesu ustvarja edinstveno zgodbo.


novorojenček;otroška posteljica;otroško spanje;beli šum;bluetooth zvočnik;oblikovanje izdelka;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [K. Slana]
UDC: 7.05:684.426(043.2)
COBISS: 23080726 Link will open in a new window
Views: 629
Downloads: 87
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Conceptual design of a baby crib
Secondary abstract: The topic of the Master's thesis is related to the eternal problem of newly born parents - the child's sleep. The idea behind my product therefore came about in order to overcome this problem and thus enable sleep for both parents and children. Parenting has definitely changed over time, and with new generations there is an increasing interest in baby products and related technologies that make it easier for new parents to do their daily chores, shorten their work time and efficiency. The Master's thesis covers the entire development of the product by the method »Design thinking«, which is a known methodology for creative problem solving. After researching the market, analyzing the data collected by prospective and existing moms, the effects of sound on babies and analyzing strict standards in the baby products industry, I came up with different ideas of form, mechanisms, technology integration, as well as brand-related things. The final product is the result of integrating the user's needs and desires and most importantly presents a solution and creates a unique story in the process.
Secondary keywords: newborn baby;cot;baby sleep;white noise;bluetooth speaker;product design;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Inženirsko oblikovanje izdelkov
Pages: XII, 64 str., [5] f. pril.
ID: 11274247
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