magistrsko delo Management v zdravstvu in socialnem varstvu
Nina Bajželj (Author), Polona Šprajc (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je opisana promocija zdravja na delovnem mestu v podjetju X. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali kaj je promocija zdravja, kakšne programe oziroma aktivnosti poznamo za izvajanje promocije zdravja, kakšni so razlogi za izvajanje promocije zdravja v podjetjih in kako vse to vpliva na zaposlene in njihovo zadovoljstvo. Opisali smo tudi kritične dejavnike za zdravje, zakaj prihraja do stresa in izgorelosti, kakšne vrste stresa poznamo in kako se vse to odraža na zaposlenih. V praktičnem delu smo opisali izvedbo raziskave. Raziskovali smo promocijo zdravja na delovnem mestu v podjetju X. Raziskavo smo izvedli s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Zanimalo nas je ali podjetje skrbi za zdravje zaposlenih, ali se v podjetju izvaja promocija zdravja ter na kakšen način. Zanimalo nas je kakšnih aktivnosti za promocijo zdravja se poslužuje podjetje in kako vse to vpliva na zaposlene, zanimalo nas je ali so zaposleni zadovoljni s promocijo zdravja na delovnem mestu in kaj pravzaprav pomeni promocija zdravja za zaposlene.


zdravje pri delu;zdravje zaposlenih;delovno okolje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [N. Bajželj]
UDC: 331.4
COBISS: 8161043 Link will open in a new window
Views: 989
Downloads: 187
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Health promotion in company x
Secondary abstract: In my masters degree we describe the promotion of health at the workplace in company X. In the theoretical part we described what the promotion of health is, what programs or activities are known for the manifestation of the promotion of health, therefore what are the reasons for doing health promotion in companies and how it affects the employees and their well being. We have also described the critical factors for health. Answering questions as what causes stress and burnout, what types of stress are known and how does all of that affect the employees. In the practical part we have described the implementation of the research. We have researched the promotion of health in the company X. The research was carried out by doing a survey, in which we have asked the participants how their companies are taking care of their health and if the company promoting health. We wanted to find out how the employers are promoting health and how do those activities affect the employees. Our goal was to find out if the employees are satisfied with how their employers deal with the promotion of health and what does promoting health actually mean for the employees.
Secondary keywords: - health promotion at work - healthy workplace - health of employees - employee satisfaction;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 68 f.
ID: 11277374