diplomsko delo
Alen Mastnak (Author), Željko Gorišek (Reviewer), Sergej Medved (Mentor)


Ko govorimo o lesnih ploščnih kompozitih, imamo v mislih proizvode, ki so narejeni iz vlaken, iveri, furnirjev ali letev, in so spojeni z lepilom, pod vplivom tlaka in temperature. Kompoziti se od masivnega lesa razlikujejo predvsem po boljši dimenzijski stabilnosti, ploskovitosti in homogenosti Zaradi dobrih mehanskih lastnosti jih ne uporabljamo le v pohištveni industriji, ampak vedno pogosteje tudi v gradbeništvu, za izdelavo strešnih konstrukcij, sten, podov itn., tudi v spreminjajočih klimatskih pogojih. Na podlagi stebrne nosilne konstrukcije je prišlo do razvoja panelnih sistemov montažne gradnje, sistem gradnje eno- in dvoetažnih lesenih montažnih hiš, ki danes prevladuje v svetovnem merilu. Zanimalo nas je, kako na najpomembnejše mehanske lastnosti različnih kompozitnih plošč vpliva dolgotrajna izpostavljenost ciklični klimi kjer prevladuje visoka relativna zračna vlažnost. Iverno ploščo smo izpostavili različnim pogojem in sicer potopitev v vodo, spreminjajočim in zunanjim pogojem. Ugotovili smo, na mehanske lastnosti plošč najbolj negativno vplivajo spreminjajoči pogoji, na upogibno trdnost in modul elastičnosti vpliva orientiranost gradnikov v plošči. Iverna plošča P2 je dosegla najslabše rezultate, najboljše pa konstrukcijska iverna plošča P5.


OSB plošče;konstrukcijske plošče;lesena gradnja;mehanske lastnosti;dimenzijska stabilnost;odpornost na delovanje vode;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [A. Mastnak]
UDC: 630*86
COBISS: 3127433 Link will open in a new window
Views: 619
Downloads: 157
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Resistance of oriented strand board and particleboard for panel systems towards exposure to water
Secondary abstract: When we talk about wood-based composites, we mean products made from fiber, chipboard, veneer, or lamellas, and compressed with glue under high pressure and high temperature. Wood composites differ from massive wood in better dimensional stability, flatness, and homogeneity. Due to their good mechanical properties, wood composites are not only used in the furniture industry but also in civil engineering (roofing, walls, and floors) under changing climate conditions. Because of silver supporting construction, the panel systems of prefabricated construction developed. The latter is a leading worldwide system of building one or two-storey wooden prefabricated houses. We were interested in how long-term exposure of cyclic climate with high relative humidity influences the most prominent mechanical properties of various wood composite panels. We exposed the chosen panels to different conditions: cyclic and external conditions, submergence. The results showed that the mechanical properties of the panels are most negatively affected by changing conditions, the bend strength and modulus of elasticity are influenced by the orientation of the building blocks in the panel. Particle board P2 achieved the worst results, and the best construction particle board P5.
Secondary keywords: oriented strand board;construction boards;wood construction;mechanical properties;dimensional stability;water resistance;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za lesarstvo
Pages: IX, 24 f., [12] f. pril.
ID: 11277830