doktorska disertacija
Mateja Presečnik (Author), Marko Novinec (Mentor), Brigita Lenarčič (Thesis defence commission member), Gregor Gunčar (Thesis defence commission member), Boris Turk (Thesis defence commission member)


Človeška dipeptidil-peptidaza I (DPPI, tudi katepsin C; EC je lizosomska cisteinska peptidaza iz družine papainu podobnih peptidaz. Za razliko ostalih članov družine v aktivni obliki ni monomer, ampak tetramer. Vsaka podenota je sestavljena iz katalitične in izključitvene domene, ki sta med seboj nekovalentno povezani. Izključitvena domena sterično ovira vezavo substrata v aktivno mesto in posledično določa eksopeptidazno aktivnost DPPI. Biološke vloge DPPI obsegajo nespecifično razgradnjo proteinov kakor tudi specifične naloge, npr. procesiranje cimogenov efektorskih serinskih peptidaz v celicah imunskega sistema. Ker je prekomerna aktivnost slednjih povezana z vnetnimi boleznimi je inhibicija DPPI ena izmed strategij farmacevtske industrije za zdravljenje teh bolezni. Namen te disertacije je bil identificirati in okarakterizirati prve modifikatorje, ki vplivajo na aktivnost DPPI z vezavo izven aktivnega mesta. V ta namen smo pripravili rekombinantni človeški encim DPPI v celicah HEK293T in prvič tudi v E. coli v topni obliki. Ugotovili smo, da je prvi v aktivni obliki tetramer (DPPItet), drugi pa monomer (DPPImono). Encima imata razen pretvorbenega števila kcat za sintetični substrat H-Gly-Phe-AMC in konstante hitrosti vezave ireverzibilnega inhibitorja E-64 podobne lastnosti. Z analizo delovanja obeh oblik DPPI smo dokazali, da oligomerna struktura ni nujna za aktivnost encima. Ker sta oligomerna zgradba in izključitvena domena edinstveni med katepsini, smo v bakterijskem ekspresijskem sistemu pripravili tudi DPPI brez izključitvene domene (DPPIΔEX). Encim smo uspešno aktivirali in dokazali, da se po aktivaciji obnaša kot endopeptidaza, in ne več kot eksopeptidaza, kot je značilno za celoten encim DPPI, njena substratna specifičnost pa je podobna kot pri ostalih katepsinih. Katalitična domena DPPI je torej ohranila endopeptidazno aktivnost. Z molekulskim umeščanjem in silico ter eksperimentalnim testiranjem večjega števila spojin smo identificirali in kinetično okarakterizirali enajst modifikatorjev aktivnosti DPPI, ki glede na določene kinetične mehanizme ne tekmujejo s substratom za vezavo v aktivno mesto. Dve spojini sta imeli različni afiniteti za vezavo na obe obliki DPPI. S-[(2-gvanidino-4-tiazoil)metil] izotiourea je delovala kot linearen mešan inhibitor s prevladujočim akompetitivnim karakterjem z višjo afiniteto za DPPImono. Spojina Su-His-OMe, ki je delovala kot hiperbolični kompetitivni inhibitor pa je imela višjo afiniteto za DPPItet. Ta spojina se glede na računalniške napovedi veže na mesto, ki je homologno enemu izmed alosteričnih mest katepsina K, njeno vezavo na to mesto pa smo eksperimentalno potrdili tudi s točkovnimi mutantami DPPImono. Nasprotno je 2-[(3-nitrofenil)karbamoil]benzojska kislina imela podobni afiniteti za DPPImono in DPPItet, mehanizem delovanja spojine pa se je med obema oblikama razlikoval. Z identifikacijo in karakterizacijo teh modifikatorjev smo dokazali, da je aktivnost DPPI lahko regulirana z vezavo modifikatorjev izven aktivnega mesta in da ima tetramerna struktura lahko vpliv na regulacijo encimske aktivnosti.


encimi;cisteinske peptidaze;katepsini;eksopeptidaza;oligomerni protein;oligomerizacija;kooperativnost;alosterija;kinetična karakterizacija;matematični modeli;doktorske disertacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publisher: [M. Rebernik]
UDC: 577.15(043.3)
COBISS: 302852096 Link will open in a new window
Views: 697
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Identification and characterization of allosteric modifiers of dipeptidyl-peptidase I
Secondary abstract: Dipeptidyl-peptidase I (DPPI, known also as cathepsin C, EC is a lysosomal cysteine peptidase from the family of papain-like cysteine peptidases. DPPI is dfferent from other members of the family in that it is a tetramer in its active form, while others are active as monomers. Each subunit is composed of a catalytic and an exclusion domain that are non-covalently linked. The exclusion domain sterically interferes with substrate binding, making DPPI an exopeptidase. Biological roles of DPPI include non-specific protein degradation as well as activation of effector serine peptidases of the immune system. Excessive activity of the latter is involved in inflammatory diseases therefore inhibition of DPPI is a strategy for the treatment of these diseases. The aim of this thesis was to identify and characterize modifiers that affect DPPI activity by binding outside of the active site. For this purpose we prepared recombinant human DPPI in a mammalian expression system (HEK293T cells) and for the first time also in soluble form in a bacterial expression system (E. coli). As expected, the former was a tetramer in its active form (DPPItet), whereas the latter was a monomer (DPPImono). Both enzymes had similar functional properties with the exception of the turnover number kcat for the substrate H-Gly-Phe-AMC and the rate constant for the binding of the irreversible inhibitor E-64. These results show that formation of the tetrameric structure is notnecessary for activity of DPPI. Since the oligomeric structure of DPPI and the exclusion domain are unique among cysteine cathepsins, we also produced recombinant DPPI without its exclusion domain (DPPIΔEX) in E. coli. We successfully activated DPPIΔEX and demonstrated that it acts as an endopeptidase, not an exopeptidase and has substrate specificity comparable to other monomeric cathepsin endopeptidases. The catalytic domain of DPPI has thus preserved its endopeptidase activity. Using molecular docking and experimental testing we identified and kinetically characterized 11 modifiers of DPPI activity that acted via kinetic mechanisms consistent with binding outside of the active site. Two compounds showed different binding affinities for both forms of DPPI. S-[(2-guanidino-4-thiazoyl)methyl] isothiourea, acted as a linear mixed inhibitor with predominantly uncompetitive character and showed greater affinity for DPPImono. In contrast, Su-His-OMe, a hyperbolic competitive inhibitor, showed greater affinity for DPPItet. According to computational docking results, Su-His-OMe binds to a site, homologous to a known allosteric site of cathepsin K. We experimentally confirmed this prediction using point mutants of DPPImono. 2-[(3-nitrophenyl)carbamoyl]benzoic acid on the other hand, had similar affinity for DPPImono and DPPItet, but acted via different modification mechanisms. With the identification and characterization of these modifiers we have shown that DPPI can be regulated by the binding of effectors outside of the active site and that its tetrameric structure can have a role in enzyme activity regulation.
Secondary keywords: cathepsin;exopeptidase;oligomeric protein;cooperativity;allostery;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Study programme: 1000381
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: VIII, 110 f.
ID: 11277836