diplomsko delo
V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali pravne osebe javnega prava. Slednje predstavljajo pravne subjekte, z oblastnimi upravičenji. Izvajajo javne naloge in službe. Delujejo v javnem interesu, nastanejo pa z javnopravnim aktom. Zaradi njihove pomanjkljive opredelitve v zakonih, obstajajo v teoriji mnogi kriteriji, ki jih uvrščajo v različne kategorije. Poznamo več vrst pravnih oseb javnega prava. V Sloveniji ločimo teritorialne in specializirane pravne osebe javnega prava. Institut je mogoče primerjati s pravnimi ureditvami v različnih delih sveta. Pri obravnavi diplomskega dela smo uporabljali deskriptivno, komparativno, induktivno in deduktivno metodo. Prav tako smo uporabili tudi metodo teleološke razlage in metodo sinteze. Namen diplomskega dela je analiziranje splošnih in posebnih značilnosti pravnih oseb javnega prava, ter jih primerjati s preostalimi. Ključni rezultat je tak, da imajo z njimi tako podobnosti, kot tudi razlike. Delitev tega instituta je pri nas nekoliko boljša, sploh glede javnih agencij in javnih podjetij. To utemeljujemo s tem, da imamo primerno zakonodajo, ki ureja ne le teritorialne, ampak tudi specializirane pravne osebe javnega prava. Ugotavljamo, da v slovenskem pravnem redu manjka izkušenj iz prakse, zaradi poznega razvoja tega instituta na naših tleh, kar pomeni edino slabost. To se vidi tudi v tem, da se še dandanes literatura in razni pravni viri konstantno izboljšujejo in dopolnjujejo. Kljub temu lahko trdimo, da je njihova ureditev v našem pravnem sistemu dobro urejena.
No keyword data available
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2019 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica |
Publisher: |
[B. Hribar] |
UDC: |
342:347.191(043.2) |
Views: |
4 |
Downloads: |
1 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
In this graduation work, we dealt with legal entities of public law. They represent legal entities with authorities. They perform public tasks and services. They operate in the public interestand are created by a public law act. Due to their lack of definition in-laws, there are many criteria in theory that place them in different categories. There are several types of public law entities. In Slovenia, we distinguish between territorial and specialized legal entities of public law. The Institute can be compared to legal systems in different parts of the world. We used a descriptive, comparative, inductive and deductive method when considering my thesis. We also used the teleological interpretation method and the synthesis method. The purpose of this work is to analyze general and specific characteristics of legal entities, governed by public law and compare them with the rest. The key result is that they have both similarities and differences. The division of this institute is a little bit better in Slovenia, especially about public agencies and public undertaking. We justify this on the fact, that we have appropriate legislation, regulation, not only territorial but also specialized legal entities of public law. We find that the Slovene legal order lacks experience in practice, due to the late development of this institute on our ground, which is the only disadvantage. This is also reflected in the fact, that even today, literature and various legal sources are constantly improving and complementing. Nevertheless, we can say that their regulation in our legal system is well regulated. |
Secondary keywords: |
Javno pravo;Diplomske naloge;Pravne osebe; |
Type (COBISS): |
Final reflection paper |
Thesis comment: |
Evropska pravna fak. |
Source comment: |
Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Nasl. z nasl. zaslona;
Opis vira z dne 7. 11. 2019;
Pages: |
IX, 64 str. |
ID: |
11278762 |