magistrsko delo
Teotim Logar Zorn (Author), Ana Sluga (Mentor), Luka Dekleva (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo Upodobitev ženskega lika v modni fotografiji obravnava zgodovino razvoja modne fotografije in njenega načina upodobitve ženskega lika. Naloga je razdeljena na dva dela, ki iz različnih vidikov razlagata žensko vlogo v modni fotografiji. Prvi del se opira na izbrane modne fotografije in preko njih razlaga razvoj modne fotografije od njenega začetka do danes. Dotika se tudi družbene situacije posameznega obdobja, ki je ključna za razumevanje vsebine modne fotografije. Drugi del se posveča teoretični razlagi ključnih dejavnikov, ki tvorijo modno fotografijo in se dotika učinka modne fotografije na gledalca, vpliva feminizma na modno fotografijo, modernizacije družbe, teorije spola in razvoja idealne ženske podobe. Za temo raziskovanja sem se odločil zaradi želje po poglobljenem razumevanju vpliva fotografije na družbo in njene izpovedne vrednosti. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na upodobitev ženskega lika tako, da se posveča predvsem interpretaciji fotografij, pristopa ter stila njihovih avtorjev in opredeljevanju razlike med realno in idealno žensko podobo. Po teoretičnem delu sledi opis praktičnega dela magistrske naloge, fotografske serije z naslovom Digitalizacija. Ta obravnava interpretacijo človeškega vstopanja v digitalni svet in prikazuje variacijo njegovega človeškega doživljanja. V zaključku bom pojasnil svoj vidik na razvoj modne fotografije in njen spremenjen vpliv na družbo ter opredelil razlike med resnično in upodobljeno žensko podobo.


magistrske naloge;vizualna umetnost;analogno-digitalno;družbena kritika;modna fotografija;pripovedna vrednost;seksizem;ženstvenost;spol;idealizacija;človeško telo;feminizem;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Publisher: [T. Logar Zorn]
UDC: 77.04
COBISS: 5479931 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3673
Downloads: 171
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Depicting a female character in fashion photography
Secondary abstract: The master thesis - The depiction of the female character in fashion photography - explores the history of fashion photography and its depiction of women through time. The thesis is divided in two parts, of which each part explains different aspects of women's role in fashion photography. The first part is based on selected fashion photographs accompanied by the explanation of the development of fashion photography from its beginning until today. It is focused on the social situation of each period, thus representing a crucial aspect for understanding fashion photography. The second part analyzes the key factors which constitute fashion photography, the impact of fashion photography has on the viewer, the impact of feminism on fashion photography, the modernization of society, gender theory and the development of the ideal image of a woman. I chose this particular topic because of the wish for a deeper understanding of the impact fashion photography has on society. The main focus of the thesis is therefore the depiction of the female character through the interpretation of fashion photographs (the approach and style chosen by their authors). At the end of the theoretical part a short summary of the practical part of my thesis is provided – a photography series named Digitalization. The series deals with the interpretation of the human being entering into the digital period/world and the experience of it. The conclusion of the thesis attempts to give a wholesome explanation of the role of fashion photography, its ever changing impact on society and the differences between the realistic and idealistic depictions of women.
Secondary keywords: idealization;human body;gender;femininity;feminism;sexism;fetish;narrative value;fashion photography;social criticism;analog-digital;visual arts;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Novi Gorici, Akademija umetnosti
Pages: 100 str.
ID: 11282180