magistrsko delo
Petra Šantak (Author), Aljoša Dežman (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava neodvisne bančne garancije. Uvodoma so povzete glavne značilnosti neodvisnih bančnih garancij, delitev glede na njihov namen in pravno naravo, primerjava z ostalimi instituti zavarovanj ter njihova ureditev v slovenskem in mednarodnem pravu. V preostalem delu avtorica predvsem poskuša odgovoriti na vprašanja, povezana z neupravičenim pozivom za plačilo zneska iz neodvisne bančne garancije, zlasti s preučevanjem predpostavk za neupravičen poziv. Obravnava torej primere, ko so pogoji iz bančne garancije izpolnjeni in bi zato garant moral izplačati znesek, a je obenem izkazano, da do kršitve temeljnega posla ni prišlo in je zato upravičenec neutemeljeno zahteval izplačilo garantiranega zneska. V povezavi s tem je predstavljena tudi problematika zlorabe pravic iz bančne garancije v primeru stečaja nad nalogodajalcem in možnost zavarovanja terjatve garanta v takšnih primerih. Garant namreč ostane v zavezi do upravičenca iz bančne garancije vse do izteka veljavnosti garancije, ne glede na posledice končanja stečajnega postopka. Magistrsko delo poskuša skozi analizo pravne teorije in sodne prakse celovito izpostaviti problematiko neupravičenega poziva ter poiskati rešitve v smislu preprečitve neupravičenega poziva. Slovenska zakonodaja ne vsebuje določil, na podlagi katerih bi lahko garant zavrnil neupravičen poziv za plačilo garantiranega zneska. Izplačilo garantiranega zneska lahko preprečimo z izdajo začasne odredbe. Rizikom zlorabe pravic iz neodvisne bančne garancije se ni mogoče popolnoma izogniti, vendar se lahko garanti pred njim zavarujejo predvsem z ustreznim stipuliranjem garancijskih določb ter z obvestitvijo nalogodajalca pred izplačilom zneska iz garancije.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [P. Šantak]
UDC: 347.734:347.736(043.2)
COBISS: 2048028388 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Master's thesis deals with independent bank guarantees. In the preface sums up main features of independent bank guarantees, division regarding their purpose and legal nature, comparison with the rest of insurance institutes and their regulation in slovenian and international law. In the rest of the thesis author is trying to answer questions connected with unfair and fraudulent calls of independent bank guarantee, particularly with studying supposition for unfair calling. So it deals with examples, when the conditions from bank guarantee are fulfilled and therefore a guarantor should pay an amount but at the same time it displays that it didn't come to violation of underlying contract therefore beneficiary groundlessly demanded payment of guarantee amount. Regarding to this problem are also presented issues of abuse of rights from banking guarantee in the case of bankruptcy over the principal and possibility in those cases to insure receivables of a guarantor. A guarantor of independent bank guarantee stays in obligation to beneficiary up to the expiration of guarantee validity regardless of consequences in ending bankruptcy procedure. Thesis tries through analyzing law theory and legal practice, in its entirety, to introduce issues of unfair calling and to find solutions in the terms of preventing unfair and fraudulent calls. Slovenian legislation doesn't include provision under which guarantor could decline unfair and fraudulent calls. Prevention of guarantee amount payment can be obstructed by issuing a temporary injunction. Unfair and fraudulent calls cannot be completely avoided. However guarantors could insure it mostly by adequate stipulation of guarantee provision and by notifying the principal before payment.
Secondary keywords: Bančne garancije;Magistrske naloge;Stečaj;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 8. 11. 2019;
Pages: 77 str.
ID: 11283397
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