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V letu 1942 so zahodni zavezniki prevzeli pobudo za bojevanje v drugi svetovni vojni. Po zmagi nad silami osi pri El Alameinu so nasprotnike prisilili v umik na Apeninski polotok, kamor so jim sledili tudi sami. Čeprav so po odločilnih zmagah zavezniki morda pričakovali, da se bo Nemčija hitro predala, temu ni bilo tako. Njeno moč so poskušali zlomiti s sistematičnim bombardiranjem nemških mest. Po osvoboditvi južnega dela polotoka so na tem območju osnovali tudi svoje letalske baze, od koder so, zlasti ameriški in britanski piloti, odleteli bombardirati nemška mesta na jugu rajha. Mnogi med njimi so svoj polet zaključili prav nad območjem Slovenije. Nekatere med njimi so rešili domobranci, ki so letalce nazadnje predali Nemcem, ti pa so jih poslali v taborišča za vojne ujetnike. Večino padlih letalcev na našem ozemlju so rešili partizani, ki so jih preko partizanskih letališč v Bosni in kasneje tudi pri nas vrnili v letalske baze v južni Italiji.


zavezniški letalci;15. zračna sila;2. svetovna vojna;vojno letalstvo;partizani;domobranci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 0 - Not set
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Views: 637
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Downed Allied Aircraft over Slovenian territory in the Second World War
Secondary abstract: In 1942, the Allies took the initiative in World War II. After the Allied Powers defeated the Axis in the battle of El Alamein, the opponents were forced to retreat to the Apennine Peninsula to where the Allied Powers followed. After the defining victories, the Allies had probably expected the immediate surrender of Germany, but of course that did not happen. The Allies tried to break Germany's power by systematically bombing German cities. After liberating the southern part of the peninsula, they established their aircraft bases from where, especially American and British pilots, had set off to bomb the German cities in the south of Reich. Many of them ended their flights on the Slovenian soil. Some of them were captured by Slovenian Home Guard, who handed them over to Germans and were consequently sent to prisoner-of-war camps. Most of the airmen were, however, rescued by partisans and were later returned to the air bases in southern Italy via partisan airports in Bosnia and Slovenia.
Secondary keywords: Allied airmen;15th Air Force;World War II;war aircraft;partisans;home guard;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
ID: 11287894