diplomsko delo
Klavdija Oven (Author), Ljubiša Pađen (Reviewer), Jožica Peterka-Novak (Mentor), Aljoša Lapanja (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Panična motnja je stanje s ponavljajočimi se napadi panike, ki trajajo vsaj en mesec. Ima široko psihopatologijo, panična motnja s komorbidnimi psihiatričnim motnjami pa je težko stanje, ki potrebuje prilagojeno zdravljenje. Vloga medicinske sestre je vzpostaviti ustrezen terapevtski odnos in prepoznati individualne potrebe osebe s paničnimi napadi. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti terapevtski odnos medicinske sestre s pacientom s panično motnjo ter opredeliti ustrezno terapevtsko komunikacijo, ugotoviti vzroke za pojav paničnega napada ter spoznati aktivnosti zdravstvene nege pri obravnavi panične motnje. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo s tematskim pregledom literature, objavljene po letu 2009. Literaturo smo iskali v znanstvenoraziskovalnih bazah CINAHL in MEDLINE ter prek iskalnikov Cobiss in Google učenjak z uporabljenimi ključnimi besedami v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku. Uporabili smo prosto dostopne in v celoti objavljene članke, ki so bili strokovni in recenzirani, v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku. Rezultati: Panični napadi so za osebo obremenjujoči in vplivajo na njeno kakovost življenja, zato zdravljenje zahteva celostno in posamezniku prilagojeno oskrbo. Medicinska sestra lahko vzpostavi terapevtski odnos, prek katerega spozna občutke ter tesnobo osebe s panično motnjo, si pridobi njeno zaupanje ter jo vodi skozi proces zdravljenja. Cilj je spremeniti vedenjske vzorce, ki v osebi povzročijo tesnobo, in ji pomagati, da se bo znala z njimi sama soočiti. Razprava in zaključek: Poznamo mnogo študij, ki raziskujejo terapevtski odnos, vendar ga je kljub temu še danes težko točno opredeliti. Tesnoba je čustvo, o katerem človek težko spregovori, karakteristične lastnosti ter pridobljeno znanje medicinske sestre pa ji omogočijo vzpostavitev terapevtskega odnosa, ki predstavlja pomembno vlogo pri končnem izidu zdravljenja bolezni.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;strah;tesnoba;komunikacija;psihiatrija;samopomoč;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [K. Oven]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5729899 Link will open in a new window
Views: 847
Downloads: 228
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Therapeutic relationship of nurse with patient with panic disorder
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Panic disorder is a condition with recurrent panic attacks lasting at least one month. It has widespread psychopathology, and panic disorder with comorbid psychiatric disorders is a difficult condition that requires tailored treatment. The role of the nurse is to establish an appropriate therapeutic relationship and to identify the individual needs of the person with panic attacks. Purpose: The aim of this diploma thesis is to present the therapeutic relationship between the nurse and the patient with panic disorder and to identify the appropriate therapeutic communication, to identify the causes of panic attack and to learn about the activities of nursing in the treatment of panic disorder. Methods: In thesis, we used a descriptive method with a thematic review of the literature published after 2009, and searched the literature in the CINAHL and MEDLINE scientific research databases and through the search engines Cobiss and Google, using search terms in English and Slovenian. We used freely available and fully published professional and peer-reviewed articles, in English and Slovenian. Results: Panic attacks are burdensome for a person and affect their quality of life, so treatment requires holistic and personalized care. The nurse can establish a therapeutic relationship, through which she understands the feelings and anxiety of a person with panic disorder, gains her confidence and guides her through the healing process. The goal is to change the behavioral patterns that cause anxiety in the person and help them to cope with them. Discussion and conclusion: Many studies today explore the therapeutic relationship, but it is still difficult to define it accurately. Anxiety is an emotion that is difficult for a person to speak of, so the characteristic features and acquired knowledge of the nurse are those that enable her to establish a therapeutic relationship, which plays an important role in the outcome of the treatment of the disease.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;fear;anxiety;communication;psychiatry;self-help;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 29 str.
ID: 11287910