(magistrsko delo)
Andrej Rihtar (Author), Matej Strnad (Mentor)


Zunaj bolnišnični srčni zastoj predstavlja vodilni vzrok umrljivosti v svetu. Ker je uspešnost preživetja in prognoza pri bolniku odvisna predvsem od zgodnjega začetka oživljanja ter defibrilacije, pri tem pomembno vlogo odigrajo mimoidoči, ki so priča srčnemu zastoju. S svojim znanjem ter hitrim in ustreznim posredovanjem lahko tako rešijo življenje in pripomorejo k čim ugodnejšemu nevrološkemu izidu. Izvedena je bila kvantitativna metoda z uporabo standardiziranega vprašalnika in ocenjevalnega protokola. Z vprašalnikom smo ocenili znanje tečajnikov pred tečajem, nato izvedli 2-urni tečaj za tem pa, z ocenjevalnim protokolom, ocenili pridobljeno znanje na Laerdal lutki. Kvantitativne rezultate smo predstavili z grafi in tabelami, hipoteze pa potrdili z uporabo Mann-Whitneyevega U testa ter Spearmanovo korelacijo. Povprečni rezultat pisnega preizkusa predznanja vseh tečajnikov je bil 77,7 %, praktičnega preizkusa po tečaju pa 88,5 %. Tečajniki, ki imajo v družini nekoga z zdravstveno izobrazbo, so pred tečajem dosegli, v povprečju, 82,3 % in po tečaju 92 % uspeh, ostali 75,1 % pred in 87,30 % uspeh po tečaju. Uspešnost pred in po tečaju se je izkazala za odvisno od števila predhodno opravljenih tečajev. Diskusija in zaključek: kvalitetni tečaji nedvomno pripomorejo k boljšemu znanju in večji samozavesti laikov pri izvajanju TPO. Redna in usmerjena izobraževanja so pogoj za pogostejšo uporabo javno dostopnih defibrilatorjev in pravilno ter kvalitetno izvedbo TPO ob srčnem zastoju.


tečaj;srčni zastoj;laiki;pristopni čas;ventrikularna fibrilacija;ventrikularna tahikardija brez pulza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM MF - Faculty of Medicine
Publisher: [A. Rihtar]
UDC: 616.12-008.315(043.2)
COBISS: 2557860 Link will open in a new window
Views: 935
Downloads: 106
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Level of knowledge of basic resuscitation procedures with the use of the automated external defibrillator at laymen before and after a 2 hour training
Secondary abstract: Cardiac arrest outside hospital is the leading cause of mortality in the world. Because survival and prognosis at the patient depend primarily on the early onset of revival and defibrillation, passers-by who witness cardiac arrest play an important role. With their knowledge and prompt and appropriate intervention, they can thus save live and contribute to the most favorable neurological outcome. Performing a quantitative method by using a standardized questionnaire and evaluation protocol, the questionnaire was used to evaluate the knowledge of the trainees before the course, and then a 2-hour course was followed by an assessment protocol to assess the acquired knowledge on the CPR doll. Quantitative results were presented by graphs and tables, and hypotheses were confirmed using the Mann - Whitney U test and Spearman correlation. The average result of the written proficiency test of all students was 77.7 % and the practical test of the course was 88.5 %. The trainees, whose family members have a medical education, achieved an average of 82.3 % before the course, 92 % success at the course, the others 75.1 % before and 87.30 % the course success. Performance before and after the course has proven to be dependent on the number of courses previously taken. Discussion and conclusion: Quality courses undoubtedly contribute to a better knowledge and greater confidence of the nonprofessional person in the implementation of CPR. Regular and targeted training is a prerequisite for a more frequent use of publicly available defibrillators and the correct and high-quality implementation of CPR in cardiac arrest.
Secondary keywords: course;cardiac arrest;nonprofessionals;approach time;ventricular fibrillation;pulseless ventricular tachycardia;Ventricular fibrillation;Cardiopulmonary resuscitation;Fibrilacija prekatov;Kardiopulmonalno oživljanje;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 43 f., 13 f. pril.
ID: 11294995