diplomsko delo


Biodinamično kmetijstvo predstavlja možno alternativo kot trajnostno obliko pridelave hrane. Nekateri vidiki biodinamične metode so predmet razprave, saj ne stojijo na strogih znanstvenih temeljih. Eden takšnih vidikov je uporaba biodinamičnih preparatov. V poskusu smo poskušali ovrednotiti učinek biodinamičnih preparatov 500 in 501 na velikost in maso pridelka izbranih vrtnin. Merili smo maso listov, dolžino listov, maso korenine in premer korenine mesečne redkvice (Raphanus sativus L.) ter višino in maso nadzemnega dela navadne rukvice (Eruca sativa Mill.). Določili smo tudi vsebnost vode v pridelku obeh vrst. Poskus smo izvedli v petih obravnavanjih, pri katerih smo preparate uporabili v različnih kombinacijah. Pri enem obravnavanju smo nanos tudi večkrat ponovili. Ugotavljali smo tudi razlike med uporabo posameznega preparata in uporabo obeh preparatov skupaj. Pri navadni redkvici je bil pridelek vseh tretiranih obravnavanj manjši kot pri kontrolni skupini, pri navadni rukvici pa je imela uporaba preparatov znaten pozitiven učinek na višino in maso pridelka. Pri obeh vrtninah je imela hkratna uporaba obeh preparatov manj izrazit učinek, bodisi negativen ali pozitiven. Vpliv preparatov na delež vode pri obeh izbranih vrtninah je bil zanemarljivo majhen. Iz naših rezultatov je težko ovrednotiti uporabnost biodinamičnih preparatov, zato smo mnenja, da je potrebno izvesti še več podobnih poskusov.


biodinamično kmetijstvo;biodinamični preparati;mesečna redkvica;navadna rukvica;vzgoja sadik;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [R. J. Drofenik]
UDC: 631.147:631.81.036:635.17:635.567(043.2)
COBISS: 9345145 Link will open in a new window
Views: 556
Downloads: 153
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Influence of biodynamic preparations on the yield of selected vegetables
Secondary abstract: Biodynamic agriculture represents a possible sustainable alternative to conventional forms of food production. Some aspects of the biodynamic method are a matter of discussion, because they do not stand on strict scientific foundations. One such aspect is the use of biodynamic preparations. In this experiment, we attempted to evaluate the effects of biodynamic preparations 500 and 501 on the size and weight of crop yields of selected vegetables. We also determined the water content of the crop. The preparations were used in various combinations on arugula or rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.) and cultivated radish (Raphanus sativus L.). We also examined differences between the use of each preparation separately and the use of both preparations together. With cultivated radish, the crop yields of all treated groups was lower than in the control group, and in the case of rocket, the use of the preparations had a significant positive effect on the amount of crop yield. For both vegetables, the effect of combined use of both preparations was less pronounced, either negatively or positively. The influence of these preparations on the water content in both selected vegetables was negligibly small. Based on our results it is difficult to evaluate the usefulness of biodynamic preparations, and we therefore believe that more similar experiments should be carried out.
Secondary keywords: biodynamic agriculture;biodynamic preparations;cultivated radish;arugula;rocket;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: VII, 26 f.
ID: 11299376