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Špela Perše (Author), Janez Salobir (Reviewer), Bojan Knap (Mentor)


Vrhunsko plavanje je šport, ki predstavlja velike obremenitve za organizem. S tem razlogom je za uspešno aktivnost potrebno telesu zagotoviti ustrezen in zadosten vnos hranil. Poleg zaužitih makro in mikrohranil ima glede na pomembnost enakovredno vlogo tudi hidracija. Namen dela je predstavitev prehranskih zahtev vrhunskega plavalca, z večjim poudarkom na daljinskem plavanju. Strategija prehranjevanja se namreč razlikuje glede na intenzivnost in trajanje vadbe. S pomočjo spletne ankete smo dobili tudi okvirne prehranske navade slovenskih plavalcev in plavalk. Izkazalo se je, da skoraj večina (88 %) zjutraj zajtrkuje, najpogosteje pa so to živila bogata z ogljikovimi hidrati. Le-ti predstavljajo največji delež dnevnega energijskega vnosa ter so ključnega pomena za zmožnost opravljanja napornih treningov in tekmovanj. S športnimi napitki 72 % anketirancev med vadbo ohranja zadosten nivo glikogena v telesu, za dobro regeneracijo pa jih več kot polovica poskrbi z zaužitjem kvalitetnega obroka čim prej po končani vadbi. Potencialno pozitiven učinek k doseganju boljših rezultatov naj bi imela tudi prehranska dopolnila. Izvedene študije so namreč potrdile pozitiven vpliv kreatina in kofeina, ki se kot prehranska aditiva nahajata v prehranskih dopolnilih.


prehrana;prehrana športnikov;plavalci;vrhunsko plavanje;prehranske zahteve;makrohranila;mikrohranila;prehranski dodatki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [Š. Perše]
UDC: 613.2:797.21
COBISS: 5127800 Link will open in a new window
Views: 914
Downloads: 255
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Nutritional requirements for professional swimmers
Secondary abstract: High-level competitive swimming is a sport that presents high loads on the human organism. That is the reason we have to provide the body with adequate and sufficient nutrient input for successful activity. In addition to the consumed macronutrients and micronutrients, hydration is equally important. The assignment aimed to present the nutritional requirements of professional swimmers, with more emphasis on open water swimming. The eating strategy varies according to the intensity and duration of the exercise. Through the survey, we received an insight into the eating habits of Slovenian swimmers. It turned out that the majority (88 %) eat breakfast in the morning, most commonly food rich in carbohydrates. They represent the highest percentage of daily energy intake and are crucial to enable strenuous training and competitions. During exercise, 72 % of respondents maintain sufficient level of glycogen in the body with sports drinks, and for fast regeneration, more than half provide themselves with a high-quality meal as soon as possible after the workout is completed. Nutritional supplements should also have a potentially positive effect on achieving better results. The studies carried out have namely confirmed the beneficial effects of creatine and caffeine, components in dietary supplements.
Secondary keywords: nutrition;sports nutrition;swimmers;professional swimmers;nutritional requirements;macronutrients;micronutrients;nutritional supplements;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: VII, 23 f., [3] f. pril.
ID: 11300700
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