magistrsko delo
Teja Kodela (Author), Zora Stančič (Mentor), Vesna Geršak (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu raziskujemo, kako in zakaj je lahko ples osnova za ustvarjanje v grafični tehniki monotipija. Osredotočili smo se na telo in korake plesalke ali plesalca, ki z gibanjem puščajo sledi. Ob tem smo vključili tudi glasbo, in na ta način povezali tri različna umetniška področja. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz treh delov: v prvem delu o predstavljeni umetniki, ki so se ukvarjali z raziskovanjem gibanja človeškega telesa v povezavi z likovno in vizualno umetnostjo. Predstavili smo načine izražanja in medije, v katerih so predstavljena njihova umetniška dela. V magistrskem delu se osredotočamo na gibanje človeškega telesa, zato smo v prvem delu več poudarka dali performansu (performance art), plesu, glasbi in grafični tehniki monotipiji, s katero smo to gibanje lahko prikazali. Umetnike in pojme smo predstavili teoretično in zgodovinsko. V drugem delu magistrskega dela je predstavljena delavnica, ki smo jo izvedli z dijaki. Pod našim mentorstvom so svobodno, brez koreografije, plesali na izbrano glasbo, sami pa so določili tudi barvo. Zanimalo nas je, kaj so ob plesnem izražanju občutili in kakšna je bila njihova celotna izkušnja delavnice. S predstavitvijo grafike na sodoben način smo se želeli poglobiti v njihov svet, se jim približati in jih razumeti. Poleg tega smo predstavili različne vrste plesa, barve, zvrsti glasbe ter analizo nastalih grafičnih del dijakov. V tretjem delu predstavljamo svoja grafična dela narejena s pomočjo izbranih družabnih plesov. V tem delu se osredotočamo na likovno analizo različnih monotipij, ki so narejene na dva načina: z vnaprej določenimi koraki in svobodnim izražanjem. Zanimala nas je razlika med tema dvema pristopoma. Menimo, da je smiselno povezovanje različnih vrst umetnosti, saj smo skozi izvedbo delavnice ugotovili, da je takšno likovno izražanje za mladostnike zelo zanimivo in koristno.


magistrska dela;Performance art;grafika;ples;glasba;barve;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Kodela]
UDC: 7.038.531:793.3:76(043.2)
COBISS: 25084168 Link will open in a new window
Views: 929
Downloads: 131
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Dance as a starting point for graphic creation
Secondary abstract: In the master's thesis we explore how and why dance can be the basis for creation in the graphic technique of monotype. We focused mainly on the body and steps of the dancers, who left traces (footprints) through their movement. In addition, we have included music to connect three different artistic fields. The master's thesis consists of three parts: the first part presents the artists who have been exploring the movement of the human body in connection with the visual arts. We have presented ways of expression and media in which their works of art are presented. In the master's thesis we focus on the movement of the human body, so therefore in the first part we put more emphasis on performance art, dance, music and graphic technique with the monotype with which we could display this movement. We introduced the artists and concepts theoretically and historically. The second part of the master's thesis presents a workshop that we conducted with students. Under our tutelage, they danced freely, without choreography, to the chosen music, and they themselves determined the color. We were very interested in their feelings during the dance expression and what was their overall workshop experience. By presenting graphics in a modern way, we wanted to deepen into their world, get closer to them and understand them. In addition, we presented various types of dance, colors, genres of music and an analysis of the resulting graphic works of students. In the third part we present our graphic works made with the help of selected social dances. In this work, we focus on the art analysis of different monotypes, which are done in two ways: with predefined steps and free expression. We were interested in the difference between these two approaches. We think that it is sensible to connect different types of art, because through the workshop we found that such artistic expression is very interesting and useful for adolescents.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Performance art;graphics;dance;music;colors;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za likovno pedagogiko
Pages: XIV f., 81 str.
ID: 11307047