magistrsko delo
Petra Mezek (Author), Uroš Svete (Mentor)


V današnji informacijski družbi se digitalnemu svetu ne moremo več izogniti. Tehnološki napredek nas je pripeljal do točke, kjer so omrežene mobilne naprave del našega vsakdana. V tem pa niso izvzeti otroci in mladostniki, ki so iz vidika varnosti na spletu izjemno lahka tarča zlorab. Človeški faktor v kibernetski varnosti igra poglavitno vlogo, zato se za preprečevanje zlorab ne moremo več zanašati izključno na varovanje tehnične plati, temveč moramo sile usmeriti na uporabnike. Slovenija s svojo sistemsko ureditvijo ozaveščanja ne uspe biti v koraku s časom, temveč smo ob vsaki prenovitvi preventivnih programov že v desetletnem zaostanku, odgovornost za preventivo pa se prelaga med različnimi akterji. Z vsako generacijo so v obtoku nove tehnologije, nove mobilne naprave in nove aplikacije, pri čemer preventiva ni zadostna z večletnim intervalom med izobraževanji, temveč je treba k ozaveščanju pristopiti holistično – zajeti je treba tako otroke, mladostnike, starše, kot tudi strokovni, ter v primeru magistrskega dela, pedagoški kader ter jih o novih tehnologijah ne le učiti, temveč jih učiti s pomočjo informacijsko-komunikacijskih naprav. Le tako lahko dosežemo, da bodo zdajšnje in prihodnje generacije na spletu varne.


kibernetska varnost;otroci in mladostniki;preventiva;ozaveščanje;Informacijska družba;Otroci;Informacijska tehnologija;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [P. Mezek]
UDC: 316.4:004.738.5-053.2(043.2)
COBISS: 36521053 Link will open in a new window
Views: 609
Downloads: 187
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of cyber threats to children and adolescents and possible countermeasures
Secondary abstract: In today's information society we can no longer avoid the digital world. Technological progress have brought us to the point, where networked mobile devices are part of our daily lives. This does not exclude children and adolescents who are, from an online safety perspective, an extremely easy target for abuse. The human factor plays a key role in cybersecurity, so in order to prevent abuse we can no longer rely solely on the protection of the technical side, but have to focus our efforts on users. With its systematic awareness system, Slovenia fails to keep pace with the times, but with each renewal of prevention programs we are already 10 years behind and responsibility for prevention is shifted between different actors. With each generation new technologies, mobile devices and applications are available and prevention is not sufficient. It needs to be approached holistically - to include children, adolescents, parents as well as professionals, and in the case of a master's degree, teaching staff, and not only teach them about new technologies, but to teach them through information and communication technologies. This is the only way we can make current and future generations safe online.
Secondary keywords: Information society;Children;Information technology;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 136 str.
ID: 11310529