delo diplomskega projekta
Dijana Korošak (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Nabavna funkcija je ena najpomembnejših funkcij v podjetju. Če je dobro organizirana, prinaša dobiček in vpliva na uspešnost poslovanja podjetja. Nabava ima pomembno nalogo pri izbiri najboljšega dobavitelja. Spremljati mora, ali se dobavitelji držijo pogodbenih dogovorov, kot so kakovost blaga ali storitve, cena, plačilni pogoji, kakovost in točnost dobav. Najprej naredijo seznam dobaviteljev, ki bi lahko prišli v poštev, zatem pa oblikujejo kriterije in na podlagi teh opravijo izbor najprimernejših dobaviteljev. Tiste, ki ustrezajo vsem kriterijem, uvrstijo na seznam odobrenih dobaviteljev. Z njimi se podjetje dogovori za dolgoročno poslovanje. Namen ocenjevanja dobaviteljev je pridobiti natančnejšo predstavo o njih in si s tem olajšati odločanje o izbiri zanje najprimernejšega dobavitelja. Podjetje Palfinger d. o. o. ocenjuje tako obstoječe kot tudi nove dobavitelje. Obstoječe dobavitelje nabavni referent oceni enkrat letno. To ocenjevanje je namenjeno primerjavi z novimi, potencialnimi dobavitelji, ki ponujajo podobne proizvode na nabavnem trgu.


nabava;nabavna funkcija;dobavitelji;izbira;ocenjevanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Korošak]
UDC: 658.7
COBISS: 33729539 Link will open in a new window
Views: 412
Downloads: 76
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂprocess of choosing suppliers at the Palfinger d. o. o.
Secondary abstract: The purchasing function is one of the most important functions in the company. If well-organised, it brings profit and affects the company’s business performance. The purchase plays an important role in selecting a supplier. It has to monitor if suppliers meet their contractual agreements, such as the quality of products and services, the price, payment terms, quality and punctuality of the supply. First, they draw up a list of suppliers that could be an option, then they form the criteria and based on the criteria they make a selection of the most appropriate suppliers. Those who meet all the criteria are placed on the list of the approved suppliers. The company then comes to an agreement for a long-term business with them. The purpose of assessing suppliers is to obtain a more accurate picture of them and make their decision in selecting the most appropriate supplier for them much easier. The company Palfinger d. o. o. is assessing the existing suppliers as well as the new suppliers. The existing suppliers are assessed by a clerk once a year. This assessment serves as a comparison to the new potential suppliers that offer similar products on the upstream market.
Secondary keywords: Purpose of purchase;purchasing function;company Palfinger d. o. o.;selection of suppliers;assessment of suppliers.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 32 f.
ID: 11315909