magistrsko delo
Petra Kvas (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Prvi del teoretičnega dela predstavlja teorije o slikanicah, drugi del teoretičnega dela pa aplikacijo teorije Nodelmana (2003) in Nikolajeve (2003) na slovenske in tuje slikanice. V empiričnem delu nas zanima odziv mlajših in starejših bralcev (6–14 let) na slikanico Kajetana Koviča Pajacek in punčka. Ker gre za slikanico, ki nagovarja različne starostne skupine – je torej večnaslovniška – nas zanimata interpretacija in vrednotenje dela bralcev v različnih starostnih skupinah. Slikanica ni le tanka ilustrirana knjiga. Kvalitetne slikanice s prepričljivim besedilom in dovršenimi ilustracijami nagovarjajo bralce različnih starosti in spodbujajo številne interpretacije. Magistrsko delo poudarja pomembno vlogo slikanic pri razvoju učenčevega pozitivnega odnosa do branja, saj je slikanica prvi medij, prek katerega se otrok prvič sreča s književnostjo in likovno umetnostjo. Na tem mestu imajo pomembno vlogo starši oziroma odrasli bralci. Magistrsko delo zajema predstavitev slikanice kot sintetičnega medija, kjer prejemnik celostni smisel doživi šele skozi interakcijo različnih komunikacijskih sredstev. Predstavljene so zahtevnostne stopnje slikanice, ki sledijo razvojnim obdobjem otroka. Teoretični del navaja različne trende in obdobja, ki so vplivali na razvoj novih likovnih in funkcijskih možnosti slikanic. V magistrski nalogi je predstavljen tudi likovni jezik, ki bralcu pomaga pri razumevanju ilustracij, kodov in gest.


interpretacija;večnaslovniška književnost;besedilo;ilustracija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Kvas]
UDC: 82-93:087.5(043.2)
COBISS: 12724553 Link will open in a new window
Views: 340
Downloads: 62
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Fostering picturebook reading
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis is comprised of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part first outlines some theories on picture books, then it goes on to present how the Nodelman (2003) and Nikolajeva's (2003) theory is applied to Slovene and foreign picture books. The empirical part focuses on how younger and older readers (6–14 years) reacted to the Kajetan Kovič's picture book titled Pajacek in Punčka.1 Since it is a picture book addressing different age groups – it is part of the crossover literature – we wanted to determine the interpretation and the evaluation of the book by readers from different age groups. Picture books are not only thin and illustrated books. Quality picture books with a convincing text and perfected illustrations address readers from different age groups and motivate various forms of interpretation. This master's thesis underlines the important role of picture books in the development of a pupil's positive attitude towards reading, as it is the first medium through which children encounter literature and fine arts. Parents and adult readers also play an important role. What is more, the master's thesis also presents picture books as synthetic media, where the recipient understands the entire message through the interaction of different means of communication. Difficulty levels of picture books are presented, which follow the stages of children's development. The theoretical part states different trends and periods that affected the development of new artistic and functional dimensions of picture books. Furthermore, the master's thesis presents the artistic language that helps the reader understand the illustrations, codes and gestures.
Secondary keywords: picture book;reading;slikanica;branje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji
Pages: 84 str.
ID: 11319039