magistrsko delo
Sara Klobučar (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo temelji na raziskovanju karakteristike poslovnih pogajanj z nemškimi in kitajskimi poslovnimi partnerji. Za magistrsko delo smo izbrali dve tako nasprotujoči si gospodarski državi, saj želimo raziskati možnosti in razlike med načini pogajanj dveh nasprotujočih si modelov ter ugotoviti, kakšne oblike pogajanj uporabljajo poslovni partnerji za dosego svojih ciljev. Kadar pogajanja potekajo v mednarodnem kulturnem območju, se poslovni partnerji srečujejo z izzivom spoznavanja in predvsem razumevanja tuje kulture, kar pa zahteva bistveno večjo sposobnost hitrega razmišljanja pod pritiskom, sposobnosti verbalnega izražanja, potrpežljivosti, sposobnosti interpretacije, miselne prilagodljivosti, sposobnosti priprave pogajalskih strategij, učenja neverbalne in verbalne komunikacije nasprotnika ter interpretacijo pogajalskih dogovorov, kot to zahtevajo pogajanja v domačem okolju. Živimo v svetu globalizacije. V svetu prevlade kapitalističnih interesov, v obdobju, kjer je »denar sveta vladar« in »mir« pojem, katerega pomen bodo naši vnuki iskali v slovarju. Za minimiziranje stroškov in ustvarjanje kapitala mogočna svetovna podjetja iščejo najrazličnejše načine pogajanj za doseganje svojih ciljev. Ko govorimo o Nemčiji, govorimo o državi, ki ima glavno vlogo pri obvladovanju dolžniške krize v območju uporabe evra. Po koncu druge svetovne vojne se je Nemčija industrializirala in uspela postati sinonim za kakovost proizvodnje in kakovost delovne sile. Struktura BDP-ja je usmerjena povsem v drugačno smer, kot je bila v prejšnjih treh desetletjih usmerjena struktura Kitajske, kljub temu pa obe gospodarski sili predstavljata sam vrh svetovnega gospodarstva. V magistrskem delu bomo tako obravnavali poslovna pogajanja s Kitajsko, na drugi strani pa prikazovali pogajanja z Nemčijo. Kitajsko in Nemčijo smo izbrali zaradi raznolikosti kulture, mentalitete, ekonomske rasti, srečevanja s posledicami poslovanja, zaradi raznolikosti gospodarskega modela, kitajskega prevzema nemškega miselnega vzorca po nastanku krize avgusta 2015 in soočanjem s posledicami na nemško kot kitajsko ekonomijo, ki jo je doprinesla trgovinska vojna med Kitajsko in ZDA, z začetkom marca 2018.


medkulturna pogajanja;Kitajska;Nemčija;kultura;komunikacija;ekonomska rast;trgovinska vojna;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Klobučar]
UDC: 339.9(043.2)
COBISS: 13625372 Link will open in a new window
Views: 749
Downloads: 118
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business negotiations with Chinese and German business partners
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis is based on exploring the characteristics of business negotiations with German and Chinese business partners. For the master's thesis, we have selected two economically different economies in order to explore the possibilities and differences between the negotiation methods of the two models and to determine what forms of negotiation are used by business partners to achieve their goals. When negotiations are based in an international cultural area, business partners face the challenge of learning and understanding the foreign culture which in turn requires a much greater ability to think quickly and under pressure. To be able to express themselves verbally and with patience, to be able to interpret, to think, to prepare negotiation strategies, to learn non-verbal and verbal communication of the opponent, and interpretation of negotiating arrangements it requires a much greater effort than by the home-based negotiations. We live in a world of globalization. In a world of overriding capitalistic interests, at a time when "money rules the world" and "peace" is a concept our grandchildren will look for in a dictionary. To minimize costs and generate capital powerful global companies are looking for a variety of negotiating methods to achieve their goals. Germany is a country that plays a major role in managing the debt crisis in the euro area. After the end of World War II, Germany industrialized and succeeded in becoming synonymous for quality of products and quality of the workforce. The structure of GDP is directed in a completely different direction to that of China in the past three decades. Still both countries represent the top of the world of economy success. In the master's thesis we will discuss business negotiations with China and on the other hand we will show the characteristic of negotiating with Germany. We chose China and Germany because of the diversity of culture, mentality, economic growth, the ways of facing business consequences, the diversity of the economic model, the Chinese taking of the German thinking pattern after the August 2015 crisis and facing the consequences that influence German and China economy since China- United States trade war beginning on March 2018.
Secondary keywords: intercultural negotiations;China;Germany;culture;communication;economic growth;trade war;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 69 str.
ID: 11319514