(diplomsko delo)
Teoretično izhodišče: Mehanski podporni sistem za levi prekat (v nadaljevanju LVAD črpalka) je namenjen dolgotrajni podpori srca, saj zaradi svojega delovanja razbremeni popuščajoč levi prekat in zagotovi primeren krvni obtok po celotnem telesu. LVAD črpalka pacientu omogoča aktivno in dejavno življenje. Vseeno pa pacient mora sprejeti določene omejitve, prav tako lahko pride do določenih sprememb v pacientovem življenju. Namen zaključnega dela je predstaviti kakovost življenja pri pacientu z mehanskim podpornim sistemom za levi prekat.
Raziskovalne metode: Pri izdelavi teoretičnega dela zaključnega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno (opisno) metodo dela. V empiričnem delu zaključnega dela smo uporabili kvalitativno metodologijo raziskovanja. Izvedli smo študijo primera. Za potrebe zbiranja podatkov smo izvedli intervju z eno pacientko z vstavljenim mehanskim podpornim sistemom za levi prekat.
Rezultati: Rezultati v študiji primera so nam pokazali, da se je kakovost življenja pacientke z vstavljenim mehanskim podpornim sistemom znatno izboljšala, zlasti pri sami samostojnosti pacientke in zmanjšanemu številu hospitalizacij. Ugotovili pa smo, da so največje težave s katerimi se pacientka sooča nespečnost in omejitev v gibanju. V okviru teh ugotovitev smo izpostavili smo 7 poglavitnih negovalnih diagnoz.
Diskusija in zaključek: Kakovost življenja je včasih težko ocenjevati. Vsaka oseba si namreč drugače razlaga, kdaj je njegovo življenje zadovoljivo in uspešno. Zato si je pri ocenjevanju kakovosti potrebno izbrati individualen pristop. Prav tako je kakovost življenja odvisna od same uspešnosti prilagoditve pacienta na njegovo bolezensko stanje. Potrebno bo še več raziskav na to temo, ki bodo spremljale samega pacienta dalj časa in ga še bolje spoznala.
srčno popuščanje;srčna črpalka;vsakodnevne aktivnosti;kakovost življenja;LVAD;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences |
Publisher: |
[M. Amon] |
UDC: |
616.12-008.46(043.2) |
Views: |
598 |
Downloads: |
135 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Quality of life of patient with left ventricular assist device |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: The purpose of the left ventricular assist device (LVAD) is a long-term support of the heart. Due to its function, it relieves the left ventricle and provides adequate blood circulation throughout the body. LVAD enables the patient to have an active life. However, the patient must accept certain limitations and changes that come with the pump. The purpose of the diploma is to present the quality of life of patients with the left ventricular assist device.
Research methods: We have applied the descriptive method for the theoretical part and the qualitative method for the empirical part of the diploma. We have conducted a case study. For the purpose of data collection, we have interviewed one patient with left ventricular assist device.
Results: The results of the case study have shown that the quality of life of a patient with left ventricular assist device has improved significantly, especially concerning patient's independence and the decreased number of hospitalizations. We have also found out that the biggest problems the patient faces are insomnia and restriction in movement. Within these findings, we highlighted seven major nursing diagnoses.
Discussion and Conclusion: Quality of life can sometimes be difficult to assess since each person interprets differently as to when their life is successful and satisfactory. Therefore, an individual approach should be taken during assessment of quality of life. The quality of life also depends on the successful adaptation of the patient to his or her medical condition. |
Secondary keywords: |
heart failure;heart pump;everyday activities;quality of life;LVAD; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede |
Pages: |
V, 35 f., 6 f. pril. |
ID: |
11325450 |