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Janko Šet (Author), Tomaž Skrbinšek (Reviewer), Cene Fišer (Mentor), Cene Fišer (Thesis defence commission member), Tomaž Skrbinšek (Thesis defence commission member), Peter Trontelj (Thesis defence commission member)


V tej nalogi smo raziskovali razširjenost kriptičnih vrst kompleksa nominalne vrste Niphargus stygius. V raziskavi smo izolirali DNA in pomnožili podenoto I mitohondrijskega gena za citokrom oksidazo (COI) 62 od 94 v raziskavo vključenih osebkov iz 38 lokalitet. S tem smo opisali šest novih nahajališč vrste N. chagankae, eno N. cvajcki, osem N. gottscheeanensis, dve N. kenki, eno N. malagorae in dve N. zagrebensis. Vrstama N. gottscheeanensis in N. kenki smo s tem pomembno povečali znano razširjenost. Opisali smo prvo sopojavljanje N. chagankae in N. likanus in novo lokacijo sopojavljanja vrst N. gottscheeanensis in N. podpecanus. V programu MaxEnt smo iz klimatskih podatkov izračunali potencialne razširjenosti vrst. V prvi model smo vključili povprečno letno temperaturo in letno količino padavin, v drugi pa minimalno mesečno, maksimalno mesečno in povprečno letno temperaturo in minimalno mesečno, maksimalno mesečno in celokupno letno količino padavin. Zaradi premajhnega števila podatkov smo lahko izračunali modele razširjenosti le za vrste N. chagankae, N. gottscheeanensis in N. stygius, torej vrste, za katere smo imeli podatke za vsaj osem lokacij. Kompleksnejši modeli so se izkazali za natančnejše, vendar močno odstopajo od realnih podatkov. Ocenjujemo, da klimatski parametri le v manjši meri pojasnjujejo razširjenost vrst tega kompleksa.


morfološko kriptične vrste;kompleks Niphargus stygius;molekularna taksonomija;okoljsko modeliranje razširjenosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [J. Šet]
UDC: 574:595.371(043.2)
COBISS: 5165135 Link will open in a new window
Views: 747
Downloads: 226
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of distribution of morfologicly criptic Niphargus species
Secondary abstract: In this thesis we studied distribution of species from a morfologicaly criptic complex Niphargus stygius. We studied 94 individuals from 38 localities and successfully isolated DNA and amplified subunit I of mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase (COI) in 62 individuals. The sequencing unveiled six, one, eight, two, one and two new localities for N. chagankae, N. cvajcki, N. gottscheeanensis, N. kenki, N. malagorae and N. zagrebensis, respectively. The new records substantially expanded the known distributions of N. gottscheeanensis and N. kenki. We recorded the first case of the coexistence of N. chagankae and N. likanus, and another case of coexisting N. gottscheeanensis and N. podpecanus. Additionally, we estimated potential species' distributions using climate data in the programme MaxEnt. We ran two models of different complexity, based on mean annual temperature and overall annual precipitation, and, alternatively, based on mean annual temperature, annual minimal and maximal monthly temperature, maximal, minimal and overall annual precipitation. The models successfully applied only in species with eight or more records (N. chagankae, N. gottscheeanensis, N. stygius) and more complex model outperformed the simpler one. However, the models do not correspond to to real distributional data, suggesting that our models likely missed key determinats of species' distribution.
Secondary keywords: morfologicly criptic species;Niphargus stygius complex;molecular taxonomy;distribution modeling;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: VIII, 46, [33] f.
ID: 11326854