diplomsko delo
Katarina Ilić (Author), Simon Schnabl (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem preučevala čas, ki ga osebe potrebujejo, da se evakuirajo iz prostora. Zanimalo me je, kako število in postavitev ovir v prostoru ter lega vrat vplivajo na evakuacijski čas. Z računalniškim programom Pathfinder sem analizirala prostor dimenzij 20 x 10 metrov z vrati širine 2 metra, ki so bila najprej nameščena na sredino daljše stene in nato v levi kot prostora. V prostor sem dodala naključno porazdeljene osebe in izvedla simulacijo njihove evakuacije. Poleg vpliva, ki ga ima lega vrat na evakuacijski čas, sem analizirala še vpliv širine vrat. V prostor sem dodala vrata, ki so bila široka 1–6 metrov, in izvedla simulacijo evakuacije. Analizirala sem tudi vpliv lege ovire na evakuacijski čas. To sem naredila tako, da sem v prostor dodala oviro na razdalji 1–3 metre od vrat. Nato sem analizirala vpliv dolžine ovire na evakuacijski čas, tako da sem v prostor dodala oviro, ki sem ji spreminjala dolžino. Zanimal me je tudi vpliv števila ovir na evakuacijski čas, zato sem v prostor dodala 1–4 ovire in analizirala še vpliv števila ovir. Izkazalo se je, da lega vrat v obravnavanem prostoru ni imela vpliva na evakuacijski čas. Za razliko od lege je širina vrat vplivala, a le do določene širine. Razdalja med vrati in oviro je vplivala le do določene razdalje od vrat. Prav tako dolžina ovire vpliva le od določene širine ovire naprej. Vpliva števila ovir nisem uspešno analizirala, saj je na rezultate vplivala še sprememba postavitve oseb.


evakuacija;evakuacijski čas;vplivi na čas evakuacije;ovire;evakuacijska pot;računalniški program Pathfinder;zakonodaja;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publisher: [K. Ilić]
UDC: 351.862.22(043.2)
COBISS: 1538497731 Link will open in a new window
Views: 570
Downloads: 145
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of Obstacles on the Evacuation Time Using Pathfinder
Secondary abstract: In my thesis I studied the time that is needed for a successful room evacuation. I was interested in knowing how the number and layout of the obstacles impact the evacuation time. With a computer program called Pathfinder I analyseda 20 meters long and 10 meters wide room with a 2 meters wide door in the middle of the longer wall. I added randomly distributed persons to the room and I simulated their evacuation. Then I moved the door to the left corner of the room and ran another simulation. In addition to the impact of door position on evacuation time, I also analysed the impact of the door width. I added a door that was 1-6 meters wide and ran an evacuation simulation. I also analysed the impact of the location of the obstacle on the evacuation time. I did this by adding an obstacle that was 1-3 meters from the door. I then analysed the effect of the length of the obstacle on the evacuation time by changing the length of the obstacle. I was also interested in the impact of the number of obstacles on the evacuation time, so I added 1-4 obstacles to the room and ran an evacuation simulation. It turned out that the position of the door in the room in question had no effect on the evacuation time. Unlike the position, the door width had an effect, but only up to a certain width. The distance between the door and the obstacle only affected evacuation time below a certain distance. Likewise, the length of the obstacle affects only over acertain length of the obstacle. I did not successfully analyse the impact of the number of obstacles, as the results were influenced by the change in the positioning of persons.
Secondary keywords: evacuation;evacuation time;Pathfinder;obstacles;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000370
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, UNI Tehniška varnost
Pages: 25 str.
ID: 11332754