magistrsko delo
Katja Mali (Author), Ana Kučan (Mentor)


Magistrska naloga se ukvarja s prenovo Miklošičevega parka v Ljubljani, ki je eden najpomembnejših parkov v središču mesta in skupaj s stavbami predstavlja osrčje enovitega secesijskega prostora, vendar je njegova podoba danes degradirana. Naloga preučuje nastanek in razvoj Miklošičevega parka in njegovega ožjega in širšega konteksta. Po izvedbi analiz in skozi ustvarjalni proces je v nalogi izdelan načrt za prenovo Miklošičevega parka, kjer so oblikovalske odločitve utemeljene z vidika razvoja podobe parka in vidika sodobnega pogleda na vlogo javnega odprtega prostora kot prostor bivanja in socializacije. Pri oblikovanju naloga prostor opredeli kot mestno ploskev, na kateri se manifestirata dve entiteti: trg in park, saj zgodovinski viri razkrivajo, da je bil Miklošičev park načrtovan kot trg, vendar je bil nazadnje izveden kot park, kar je še danes. Naloga pri snovanju rešitev stremi k izčiščeni likovni obliki, ki navdih išče pri secesijskih oblikah. Magistrska naloga predlaga tri variante za ureditev Miklošičevega parka in vsaka od njih predstavlja enoten prostor z vsebino, ki so mu dodane nove kvalitete. Z osnovnimi oblikami je prostoru dodan vidik monumentalnosti, ki je obenem usmerjen v prihodnost.


krajinska arhitektura;prenova;secesija;mestni park;Miklošičev park;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [K. Mali]
UDC: 712.25:711.168 (497.4 Ljubljana) (043.2)
COBISS: 9334137 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1121
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrenovation of Miklošič park in Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: This master thesis deals with the renovation of the Miklošič park park in Ljubljana, which is one of the most important parks in the city centre and together with buildings it represents the heart of unified art nouveau space, but its today image is degraded. The thesis examines the emergence and development of Miklošič park and its context in all scales. After carrying out the analyses and through the creative process, the thesis draws up a plan for renovation of Miklošič park, where design decisions are justified from the perspective of the development of the park and a contemporary view on a role of public space today, as a place for living and socializing. In designing process the thesis identifies the space as a city plane, where two entities are manifested: a square and a park, as historical resources reveal that Miklošič park was first designed as former, but was later implemented as the latter, which is still its image today. In search for a renovation plan, the thesis strives for a refined art form, which seeks inspiration from art nouveau designs. The thesis delivers three variants for the renovation of Miklošič park and each of them represents a unique space with new added qualities. With elemental shapes a new designed park becomes a place with added monumentality, directed into the future.
Secondary keywords: landscape architecture;renovation;secession;city park;Miklošič park;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo
Pages: IX, 92 f.
ID: 11341034
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