diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje


Namen diplomskega dela je bil prefiltrirat kompostno odpadno vodo do te mere, da bo primerna za nadaljnjo čiščenje s postopkom reverzne osmoze. Filtracijo smo izvajali s pomočjo filtrirne stiskalnice. Pri tem so predhodno izvedli koagulacijo/flokulacijo. Koagulanta, ki smo ju izbrali, sta bila Kemiclar PAC in bentonit, flokulant pa Magnafloc Izbrali smo potrebne filtrirne tkanine. Primernost tkanin smo določili s testom filtracije s posameznimi filtrirnimi tkaninami. Ugotovili smo, da je bila med vsemi tkaninami, ki smo jih imeli na voljo, primerna tkanina iz polipropilena z oznako CM388. Filtracijo smo izvedli z več različno obdelanimi vzorci kompostne odpadne vode. Izmerili smo kemijske in fizikalne parametre: motnost, električna prevodnost, sušilni ostanek, žarilni ostanek, velikost delcev in zeta potencial.. Največja dosežena učinkovitost pri znižanju motnosti kompostne odpadne vode je bila 89,2 % in 89,8 %, medtem ko je večina koloidnih in suspendiranih organskih snovi po obdelavi ostala v obdelani kompostni odpadni vodi, kar je pokazala meritev velikosti delcev. Ostali merjeni parametri se po obdelavi niso bistveno spremenili. Potrdili smo hipotezo, da je potrebna večstopenjska pred obdelava kompostne odpadne vode.


filtrirna stiskalnica;filtrirne tkanine;kompostna odpadna voda;koagulacija;flokulacija;bentonit;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [D. Peršon Varga]
UDC: 628.179.2:621.979.6(043.2)
COBISS: 23006742 Link will open in a new window
Views: 765
Downloads: 99
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The efficiency of filter press as pretreatment method for compost leachate
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this diploma was to filter the compost leachate to the extent that it would be suitable for further purification by the reverse osmosis process. The filtration was performed using a filter press. Before filtraction also coaulation/flocculation processes were conducted The coagulant we used was the Kemiclar PAC and the flocculant was Magnafloc. Filtration fabrics were chosen. Filtration tests were performed in order to choose proper fabric for filtration of compost leachate. We found that out that out of all the fabrics we had available, only one was appropriate. It was made of polypropilene (marked as CM388). The filtration was carried out with several differently treated samples of compost leachate. Chemical and physical parameters, such as turbidity, electrical condictivity, drying residue, ash residue, particle size and zeta potential, were determined. The best results regarding the quality of compost leachate were obtained by treting two different samples of compost leachate, when we managed to reduce turbidity by as much as 89,2 % and 89,8 %, respectively. However, the particle size distribution analyses showed that most of colloids and suspended solids were not removed after the treatment. Chemical and physical parameters were not changed much after the treatment. The hypotheseis was confirmed that multi-stage treatment would be required to properly treat compost leachate.
Secondary keywords: filter press;filter cloths;compost leachate;coagulation;flocculation;bentonite;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: IX, 34 f.
ID: 11349109
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