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Ana Čebin (Author), Borut Bohanec (Mentor), Katarina Rudolf Pilih (Co-mentor)


Zelje predstavlja eno najpomembnejših zelenjadnic na svetu. Klasično žlahtnjenje in pridobivanje novih sort zelja je zelo zamudno, saj je zelje dvoletnica. Samoinkompatibilnost je lastnost nekaterih cvetočih rastlin, ki bi lahko znatno skrajšala postopek žlahtnjenja. V ta namen je bil zasnovan poskus, v katerem smo 114 čistim linijam belega zelja iz pomnoženih DNA fragmentov določili inkompatibilnostni razred na osnovi markerjev SRK (S-lokus receptor kinaza) gena, ki je ženska domena (se izrazi v pestiču). Na začetku smo uporabili 9 začetnih oligonukleotidov, ki pomnožujejo različne domene SRK gena, v nadaljevanju poskusa pa smo jih 6 izločili, ker niso delovali pravilno ali pa so bili kontaminirani. Ugotovili smo, da 33,3 % čistih linij pripada razredu I. S pomočjo sekvenčne reakcije smo določili zaporedje 66 čistim linijam in jih razvrstili v podrazrede. V razredu I smo dobili 4 različne podrazrede, v razredu II pa 2. Na 12 različnih lokacijah po Sloveniji smo v parih posadili po eno rastlino belega zelja in eno rastlino rdečega zelja za poskus križanja. Seme smo pridobili samo na dveh lokacijah. Iz semena smo vzgojili sadike in na nivoju fenotipa ter s pomočjo mikrosatelitnih markerjev preverili, ali je prišlo do samooprašitve ali križanja. Delež samooprašitve je bil v inkompatibilnostnem razredu I visok, kar pomeni, da se je kljub močni samoinkompatibilnosti oprašilo veliko število rastlin, zato bi morali poskus ponoviti v bolj optimalnih pogojih.


genetika;zelje;Brassica oleracea var. capitata;samoinkompatibilnost;molekularni markerji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [A. Čebin]
UDC: 635.34:577.2(043.2)
COBISS: 9378681 Link will open in a new window
Views: 865
Downloads: 229
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Determination of selfincompatibility alleles in inbred lines of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) with molecular markers
Secondary abstract: Cabbage is one of the most important vegetables in the world. It is a biennial plant. Therefore the classical breeding procedure for new cabbage varieties is very time-consuming. Selfincompatibility is a characteristic of some flowering plants that could significantly shorten the breeding process. For this reason, the incompatibility class of 114 inbred lines of white cabbage from amplified DNA fragments using SRK-specific primers (S-locus receptor kinase) was determined. SRK gene is a female determinant and it is expressed in the pistil. Initially, we used 9 SRK-specific primers that amplify different domains of the SRK gene, and in the further experiment, 6 of them were eliminated because they did not function properly or were contaminated. We found out that 33.3% of the inbred lines belonged to class I. Using the sequence analysis, we analyzed the sequence of 66 inbred lines and classified them into subclasses. In class I, 4 different subclasses, and in class II, 2 subclasses were identified. At different locations across Slovenia, we planted a white cabbage plant together with a red cabbage plant for test-crossing. Seeds were obtained in only two locations. Seedlings were tested for self-pollination on the phenotypic level and with molecular markers. The percentage of self-pollination was very high in incompatibility class I, meaning that despite the strong selfincompatibility, a large number of plants were self-pollinated. Further research under more optimal conditions would be appropriate.
Secondary keywords: genetics;cabbage;selfincompatibility;molecular markers;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: VIII, 39 f.
ID: 11353465