diplomsko delo
Jan Bon (Author), Žiga Laznik (Mentor)


V laboratorijskem poskusu smo preučevali učinkovitost različnih vrst žaganja (češnja, hrast, hruška, macesen, oreh in smreka) na vedenjske spremembe lazarjev (družina Aronidae). V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 140 različnih polžev iz rodu Arion. V raziskavi smo učinkovitost snovi preverjali na dva načina. Pri prvem smo delovanje snovi preučevali kontaktno (polže smo povaljali v določenem žaganju). V drugem delu poskusa smo ugotavljali zmožnost prehoda polžev preko ovire iz preučevanih vrst žaganja. Rezultati poskusov so pokazali nizko učinkovitost izbranih vrst žaganja na smrtnost lazarjev. Po 48 urah smo potrdili 10 % smrtnost lazarjev pri uporabi hrastovega in češnjevega žaganja. Prav tako v poskusu s preučevanjem kontaktnega delovanja nismo potrdili vpliva na zmanjšanje sposobnosti hranjenja pri lazarjih. Žaganje kot ovira (drugi poskus) se je izkazalo kot zadovoljivo učinkovit ukrep, ki vpliva na zmanjšanje stopnje hranjenja pri lazarjih. Izmed preučevanih vrst žaganja velja izpostaviti dve drevesni vrsti – hrast ter češnjo. V obeh primerih je bila stopnja hranjenja polžev zmanjšana za več kot 60 %. Zaključujemo, da je uporaba žaganja manj učinkovita v primerjavi z nekaterimi drugimi okoljsko sprejemljivimi snovmi. Morda bi bilo v prihodnje smiselno uporabiti kombinacijo različnih vrst žaganja in s tem ugotoviti možen sinergistični učinek.


polži;lazarji;Arionidae;Arion;okolje;vedenjske spremembe;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [J. Bon]
UDC: 632.64:632.937(043.2)
COBISS: 9381753 Link will open in a new window
Views: 571
Downloads: 164
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Testing the efficacy of selected environmentally acceptable substances against slugs (Arion spp., Gastropoda, Arionidae)
Secondary abstract: In the laboratory experiment we studied the efficacy of different types of sawdust (cherry, oak, pear, larch, walnut and spruce) on behavioural changes of slugs (Aronidae). The study included 140 different slugs of the Arion genus. In the study, we checked the efficacy of the substance in two ways; at first, the activity of the substance was studied in direct contact (we rolled the slugs in particular sawdust). In the second part of the experiment, we studied the ability of the slugs to pass through obstacles from different types of sawdust. The results showed a low effect of selected types of sawdust on the mortality rate of the slugs. After 48 hours, we confirmed a 10 % mortality of the slugs when using oak and cherry sawdust. Furthermore in an attempt to study the contact activity, we did not confirm the effect on lowering the feeding ability of the slugs. The sawdust serving as an obstacle (the second experiment) has proven to be a satisfactory effective measure with an impact on the reduction of the feeding ability of the slugs. Among the studied types of sawdust, two tree types should be highlighted: oak and cherry. In both cases, the feeding level of the slugs was reduced by more than 60 %. In conclusion, the use of sawdust is less effective compared to some other environmentally acceptable substances. In the future, it might be sensible to use a combination of different types of sawdust to determine a possible synergistic effect.
Secondary keywords: slugs;arionids;environment;behavioural changes;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: VIII, 33 f.
ID: 11358119