(diplomsko delo)
Urška Anžič (Author), Milica Lahe (Mentor), Barbara Kegl (Co-mentor)


Teoretična izhodišča: Razjede zaradi pritiska predstavljajo velik zdravstveni, ekonomski in socialni problem, istočasno pa imajo negativne posledice na pacientovo življenje. Zgodnje odkrivanje dejavnikov tveganja za nastanek RZP ima pozitivne učinke na nadaljnjo obravnavo. Pacienti z RZP po odpustu iz bolnišnice potrebujejo pomoč na domu, pri tem so v velike pomoč patronažne medicinske sestre, ki samostojno načrtujejo intervencije za preprečevanje oz. oskrbo teh ran. Namen: Namen zaključnega dela je opisati, kakšno vlogo ima diplomirana medicinska sestra pri oskrbi razjede zaradi pritiska na domu. Raziskovalne metode: V empiričnem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo raziskovanja. Izvedli smo sistematični pregled literature z analizo slovenske in tuje literature. V končno analizo smo vključili 13 člankov, pri tem nam je bil v pomoč PRISMA flow diagram. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da postopki preprečevanja razjed zaradi pritiska že več let ostajajo podobni, šele pred nekaj leti so v uporabo prišle moderne obloge za rane, ki pospešujejo celjenje ran. Diskusija in zaključek: Medicinske sestre imajo pri preprečevanju RZP pomembno vlogo, ker jo lahko opazijo že na samem začetku, primerno skrbijo za kožo in sodelujejo pri izvajanju ukrepov za preprečevanje. Pomembna naloga patronažne medicinske sestre je poučitev svojcev o oskrbi RZP, saj obiski na domu niso dovolj, da bi se razjeda lahko primerno celila.


patronažna zdravstvena nega;medicinske sestre;rane;oskrba na domu;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [U. Anžič]
UDC: 616-001-083(043.2)
COBISS: 2574500 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1020
Downloads: 312
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Care of pressure ulcer at a home care patient
Secondary abstract: Theoretical background: Pressure ulcers represent a major health, economic and social problem, at the same time they have negative consequences on the patient's life. Early detection of risk factors for developing pressure ulcers has positive effects on further treatment. Patients with these wound need help at home after being discharged from the hospital, and patronage nurses who assist in the planning of interventions for prevention or treatment these wounds, are very helpful. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma is to describe the role of graduated nurse in treatment of pressure ulcer at home. Research methods: In the empirical work we have used quantitative research methodology. We have carried out a systematic literature review by analyzing Slovenian and foreign literature. In the final analysis we have included 13 articles with the help of PRISMA flow chart. Results: We have determined, that procedures of the pressure ulcer prevention stayed resembling throughout the years, only showing improvement few years ago with modern wound dressings that accelerate wound healing. Discussion and conclusion: Nurses play an important role in the prevention of pressure ulcers because they can detect them in the beginning, take proper care of the skin and participate in the implementation of prevention measures. Important task of patronage nurse is to educate relatives about the care of pressure ulcers, because home visits are not enough to allow the ulcer to heal properly.
Secondary keywords: patronage care;nurse;wound;home care;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 37 f.
ID: 11362451