magistrski študij - 2. stopnja
Sara Gačnik (Author), Igor Zelnik (Reviewer), Iztok Tomažič (Mentor), Igor Zelnik (Thesis defence commission member), Jelka Strgar (Thesis defence commission member)


Učenje o ekosistemskih procesih ter njihovi soodvisnosti je zahtevno, saj so ti procesi dinamični in kompleksni, zato je za njihovo razumevanje potrebno izbrati učne strategije, ki bodo učencem pomagale pri celostnem razumevanju ekosistemov. V ta namen smo raziskali prednosti uporabe akvarija pri pouku biologije. Pri analizi ciljev učnega načrta za biologijo v splošni gimnaziji smo ugotovili, da je s pomočjo akvarija možno pokriti veliko učnih ciljev, predvsem iz sklopov zgradba in delovanje organizmov ter ekologija. Pripravili smo navodila za postavitev akvarija, ki ni preveč zahteven za vzdrževanje, obenem pa lahko predstavlja model ekosistema. Na podlagi teh navodil smo postavili akvarij, s pomočjo katerega smo osnovali in preizkusili šest laboratorijskih vaj. Te so primerne za uporabo pri pouku biologije v gimnaziji, zajemajo pa tudi nekaj didaktičnih priporočil iz učnega načrta za biologijo v splošni gimnaziji. Glede na naše ugotovitve je akvarij uporaben pripomoček, ki bi ga morala imeti vsaka šola.


akvarij;pouk biologije;dejavnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [S. Gačnik]
UDC: 57:639.34(043.2)
COBISS: 5282127 Link will open in a new window
Views: 580
Downloads: 218
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Application possibilities of aquarium in teaching biology contents
Secondary abstract: Learning about the ecosystem processes and their interdependence is difficult, as these processes are complex and dynamic. Therefore, it is necessary to choose learning strategies that will help students to fully understand them. For this reason, we explored the benefits of using an aquarium in biology lessons. When analysing the goals of the curriculum for biology in upper secondary school, we found out that many learning objectives can be covered with the use of an aquarium, especially when considering the topics of structure and function of organisms and ecology. We have written instructions for setting up an aquarium that is not too demanding to maintain, but can also represent a model ecosystem. Based on these instructions, we set up an aquarium, with which we tested six laboratory exercises. These exercises are suitable for use in high school biology classes, and also include some didactic recommendations from the general upper secondary school biology curriculum. According to our findings, an aquarium is a useful tool that every school should setup in their biology classrooms.
Secondary keywords: aquarium;biology lesson;laboratory exercises;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: X, 76 f.
ID: 11366539