magistrsko delo
Luka Bačko (Author), Kaja Pogačar (Mentor), Igor Sapač (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo Arhitekturne intervencije na območju mestnega obzidja v Mariboru na celovit način prikazuje pot, kako ponovno osmisliti nekdaj tako pomembno arhitekturo, ki so jo v preteklosti brezbrižno uničili. Idejna zasnova zajema reševanje problema ohranjanja, vrednotenja in oživljanja mestnega obzidja, čigar izvor sega v 13. stoletje. Skozi analize stanja mesta na obravnavanem območju smo spoznali območje mestnega obzidja. Na podlagi temeljitih analiz smo ovrednotili stavbe, ki na obravnavanem območju kazijo podobo mesta, so neprimerne za bivanje in ogrožajo okolico. Vprašanje “kako ponovno oživiti mestno obzidje za potrebe oblikovanja identitete mesta in ga približati ljudem”, je glavno vodilo zasnove arhitekturnih intervencij. Zasnovali smo orientacijski sistem, ki zajema vse usmerjevalnike v prostoru, od usmerjevalnih tabel na stavbah, do visokih, iz kortena izdelanih panojev, ki ponazarjajo mestna vrata, ter informacijski sistem, ki služi osveščanju ljudi. Ljudje v brošurah in letakih dobijo osnovne informacije o mestu in mestnem obzidju, hkrati pa jih ta tiskovni material nagovarja, da poiščejo več informacij na aplikaciji, ki preko QR kode ponuja pregled vseh dogodkov povezanih z mestom.


arhitektura;prenova;obzidje;Maribor;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [L. Bačko]
UDC: 725.96.01(043.2)
COBISS: 23107094 Link will open in a new window
Views: 661
Downloads: 141
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Architectural interventions on city walls in Maribor
Secondary abstract: Master thesis Architectural interventions city walls in Maribor in a comprehensive manner shows the way to once again make sense of such an important architecture, which has been in the past thoughtlessly destroyed. The concept covers solving the problem of city walls from the roots. Through the analysis of the city in selected area, we recognized the situation and the importance of infrastructure in the area of the city walls. Based on thorough analysis, we evaluated the buildings, which are only ruining the image of the city in selected area or are uninhabitable and endanger the surrounding area. The issue of how to revitalize the city walls, for the purpose of creating the identity of the city and bring it closer to the people, is the leitmotiv of the design of architectural interventions. Resolving this issue is being tackled step-by-step, we first designed the orientation and then the information system, the integration of these two systems than delivers the final product, a comprehensive revitalization of the city walls. The orientation system covers all routers in the area from the signposts on buildings to the high panels made from corten that illustrate the city gate. Information system is then responsible for raising awareness among people. Through brochures and leaflets people get basic information about the city and the city walls, furthermore this press material appeals to them to seek more information on the app, which does not only explain the importance of the position of the people via QR Codes but also again and again provides an overview of all events associated with the city.
Secondary keywords: architecture;renovation;medieval walls;Maribor;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: [VII], 93 f.
ID: 11368791
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