magistrsko delo
Daša Štepec Pavlin (Author), David Bogataj (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava projektni management investicije v nepremičnino za nudenje storitev nastanitve v turistične namene. Prikazuje celoten postopek legalizacije nepremičnine na Hrvaškem, postopek oddaje nepremičnine turistom z vidika zakonodaje ter formalno izpolnjevanje pogojev za oddajo. Poglavje o oglaševanju nepremičnine predstavi oglaševanje preko spletnih platform Airbnb in Booking ter preko turistične agencije Novasol. Nadalje je prikazan projekt z delovnimi paketi za obnovo nepremičnine in pripravo nepremičnine za oddajo. Prvi del projekta je obravnavan kot naložbena faza projekta. Sledi drugi del projekta kot operativna faza projekta in se zaključi z izračunom donosnosti naložbe. Predstavi se priložnost za investicijo, analiza trga s SWOT analizo in analiza konkurence. Sledi izdelava projekta s pripravo proračuna. Pripravi se optimistična, realna in pesimistična različica investicije. Izdela se načrt aktivnosti in delovni paketi za posamezno aktivnost. Nadalje se načrtuje urnik in predvidijo stroški celotne investicije in stroški poslovanja. Prikazan je načrt upravljanja s kakovostjo in človeškimi viri, s komunikacijo, nabavami, deležniki ter, kot zadnje, upravljanje s tveganji. Projekt v magistrskem delu temelji na desetih področjih upravljanja projekta, katerih namen je povečati uspešnost projekta investicije. Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti celoten projektni management investicije v nepremičnino za oddajanje. Cilj magistrskega dela je ugotoviti donosnost investicije z namenom ohranitve nepremičnine v lasti investitorja. Uspešnost investicije bo glede na pričakovanja investitorja dosežena, če bo naložbena nepremičnina prinašala dobiček, ki bo zadoščal za pokritje tako poslovnih odhodkov in odhodkov iz financiranja kot povračilo vloženih sredstev.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [D. Štepec Pavlin]
UDC: 332.2
COBISS: 2048063204 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with the project management in the investment in the real estate for offering the service of accommodation for tourist purposes. It shows the entire procedure of legalization of the real estate in Croatia, the procedure of renting the real estate to tourists from the perspective of legislation, and the formal fulfillment of terms for renting. The chapter on advertising the real estate presents advertising through online platforms Airbnb and Booking and also through the Novasol tourist agency. Further, the project with working packages for the renovation of the real estate and the preparation of the real estate for rent is presented. The first part of the project is discussed as an investment phase of the project. The second part of the project follows. It is the operational phase of the project and it is concluded by the calculation of the profitability of the real estate. An opportunity for the investment, the analysis of the market by the SWOT analysis, and the analysis of the competition are presented. The production of the project with the budget preparation follows. An optimistic, a realistic and a pessimistic version of the investment are prepared. The activity plan is produced, as well as the working packages for individual activities. Furthermore, a timetable is planned and the costs of the entire investment are predicted, as well as the operational costs. The plan of managing the quality and human resources is presented with the communication, purchasing, stakeholders, and, finally, the risk management. The project in the master's thesis is based on ten fields of project management whose purpose is to increase the successfulness of the project of the investment. The purpose of the master's thesis is to present the entire project management of the investment in the real estate for rent. The goal of the master's thesis is to ascertain the profitability of the investment with the purpose of preserving the real estate in the ownership of the investor. With regards to the expectations of the investor, the successfulness of the investment will be achieved if the revenues from the rents will be sufficient for covering the business expenses, financing expenses, and investment funds.
Secondary keywords: Nepremičnine;Magistrske naloge;Investicije;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 9. 1. 2020;
Pages: 135 str.
ID: 11372668