magistrsko delo
Žan Ternik (Author), Irena Nančovska Šerbec (Mentor), Ljupčo Todorovski (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu predstavljamo analizo rezultatov udeležencev na tekmovanju Bober. Osnovni namen magistrske naloge je odkriti dejavnike, ki najpomembneje vplivajo na napovedovanje končnega rezultata tekmovalca na šolskem tekmovanju Bober. Za ta namen smo uporabili metode strojnega učenja. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali pojem računalniškega mišljenja. Opredelitev je predstavljena skladno z definicijami, ki so v posameznih časovnih obdobjih razvoja omenjenega pojma najbolje opisali njegov pomen in njegovo uporabnost. Naša raziskava temelji na operativni opredelitvi računalniškega mišljenja za izobraževalce K-12 sistema, ki poudarja značilnosti procesa reševanja problemov. Opredelitvi računalniškega mišljenja smo dodali opis konceptov računalniškega mišljenja, na katerih temelji definicija. Poznavanje teh konceptov je ključnega pomena pri analizi zbranih podatkov, pri čemer za napovedne modele uporabljamo napovedne spremenljivke konceptov računalniškega mišljenja ter področja računalništva. Opredelitvi računalniškega mišljenja sledi opis računalništva kot dela šolskega kurikula. Opisali smo sedanje stanje v Sloveniji na področju poučevanja osnovnošolskega in srednješolskega računalništva. Zadnja leta se na področju računalniškega izobraževanja dogajajo pomembne spremembe. Izpostavili smo K-12 kurikul za računalniško izobraževanje. K-12 kurikul natančneje opredeljuje konceptualne smernice ter okvirje za izobraževanje na področju računalništva od vrtca do konca srednje šole. Skladno s predlogi K-12 kurikula v magistrskem delu natančneje predstavimo računalniške prakse ter računalniške koncepte, s katerimi bi se morali učenci seznaniti tekom izobraževanja. Pomemben del izobraževanja na področju računalništva je razvijanje računalniškega mišljenja. V magistrskem delu podrobneje opišemo tekmovanje Bober, ki je namenjeno spodbujanju računalniškega mišljenja med osnovnošolci in srednješolci. Skladno z razvijanjem pomembnosti računalniškega mišljenja in naraščanjem popularnosti tekmovanja Bober pride do uveljavitve različnih klasifikacij konceptov in kognitivnih procesov, ki računalniško mišljenje opredeljujejo in ga spodbujajo. Na osnovi le-teh smo za potrebe naše raziskave definirali lastno klasifikacijo, ki smo jo uporabili pri nadaljnji analizi v empiričnem delu magistrskega dela. V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge smo poiskali dejavnike, ki najpomembneje vplivajo na končni dosežek, ki so ga tekmovalci dosegli na tekmovanju Bober. Z uporabo metode strojnega učenja, naključni gozdovi, smo na osnovi različnih napovednih spremenljivk oblikovali napovedne modele za napovedovanje ciljne spremenljivke. Oblikovanje napovednih modelov je potekalo na pridobljenem vzorcu tekmovalcev tekmovanja Bober v šolskem letu 2018/19. Oblikovali smo več napovednih modelov, ki se nanašajo na tekmovalce različnih tekmovalnih skupin. Napovedne modele smo zgradili za vsako tekmovalno skupino ter pri tem kot napovedne spremenljivke uporabili koncepte računalniškega mišljenja, področja računalništva ter razred, ki ga obiskujejo učenci oz. dijaki. Analiza napovednih modelov za tekmovalce 6. in 7. razreda je pokazala, da sta najpomembnejši napovedni spremenljivki koncepta modeliranja in simulacije ter algoritmičnega razmišljanja. Analiza modela za tekmovalce 8. in 9. razreda je pokazala, da sta najpomembnejši napovedni spremenljivki koncepta algoritmičnega razmišljanja ter modeliranja in simulacije. Pri analizi modela za tekmovalce 1. in 2. letnika pa sta najpomembnejši napovedni spremenljivki koncept abstraktnega razmišljanja ter področje Interakcije, sistemi in družba. Pri združeni skupini, v katero so bili vključeni vsi podatki, sta bili najpomembnejši napovedni spremenljivki razred ter koncept modeliranja in simulacije. Pri obravnavi vseh oblikovanih napovednih modelov, sta bili najpomembnejši napovedni spremenljivki koncepta modeliranja in simulacije ter algoritmično razmišljanje. S takšno analizo smo dobili natančnejši vpogled v dejavnike, ki imajo najpomembnejši vpliv pri napovedovanje končnega rezultata tekmovalca na tekmovanju Bober.


tekmovanje Bober;računalniško mišljenje;strojno učenje;področja računalništva;naključni gozdovi;osnovna šola;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Ž. Ternik]
UDC: 004.42:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 12774729 Link will open in a new window
Views: 440
Downloads: 78
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the results of the "Bober" competition based on the understanding of the computer science concepts and on computional thinking
Secondary abstract: In the master's thesis we present an analysis of the results in the Bebras competition. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to identify factors that significantly affect the prediction of the final results of the competitor in the Bebras competition. For this purpose, we use machine learning methods. In the theoretical part of master's thesis we described the concepts of computational thinking. The definition is presented in accordance with the developmental definitions that best described its meaning and applicability of the term in its particular periods of development. Our research is based on operational definition of computational thinking for K-12 educators, which highlights the charateristics of the problem-solving process. We describe the computational concepts underlying the definition of computational thinking. Understanding them is important in the analysis of collected data. In the process of predictive modelling we used the concepts of computational thinking and domains or fields of computer science as a predictive variables. The definition of computational thinking is followed by a description of computer science as a part of the general school curriculum. We described the current situation in Slovenian educational system regarding to teaching elementary and secondary computer science courses or content. In recent years significant changes have been made in the field of computer science education, where the K-12 curriculum for computer education is at the forefront. The K-12 curriculum defines the conceptual guidelines and frameworks for computer science education from kindergarten through high school. In accordance with the suggestions of the K-12 curriculum, in the thesis we present computational practices and computational concepts that students should be familiar with during their education. An important area of computer science is the development of computational thinking. In the thesis, we describe it through the prism of Bebras competition, which is intended to promote computational thinking among elementary and secondary school students. In line with the development of the importance of computational thinking and the increasing popularity of the Bebras competition, different classifications of the concepts that define the term was created by different authors. Based on the different classifications, for the purposes of our research, we defined our own classification, which was used in the further data analysis. In the empirical part of the thesis, we analyse the factors that most significantly influence the final achievement of the competitors in the Bebras competition. Using machine learning technique random forests, we designed predictive models to predict target varible based on various predictive variables. The design of the predictive models was based on an acquired sample of Bebras contestants in the 2018/19. We designed several predictive models for each competition group. As predictive variables we used the concepts of computational thinking, the computer science fields and the students' class. Predictive model of 6th and 7th grade competitors show that the most important predictive variables were the concepts of modelling and simulation and algorithmic thinking. Model built for 8th and 9th grades competitors, where the most important predictive variables were the concepts of modelling and simulation and algorithmic thinking. The model for 1st and 2nd grade secondary school competitors showed that the most important predictive variables were the class (age) that competitors attend and the concept of modelling and simulation. When considering all of the predictive models that were built, the most important predictive variables were the concepts of modeling and simulation and algorithmic thinking. Such an analysis provides a more accurate insight into the factors that have the most important influence in predicting the final result of a competitor in a Bebras competition.
Secondary keywords: computer science;primary education;računalništvo;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Predmetno poučevanje
Pages: 103 str.
ID: 11373938