magistrsko delo
Jan Henčič (Author), Niko Lukač (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu predstavimo moderno steganografsko metodo za shranjevanje skrivnih podatkov v video vsebine ter omogočimo skrivanje poljubnih sporočil v izbrane odseke video posnetka. Posnetek najprej pretvorimo v frekvenčno domeno s pomočjo diskretne kosinusne transformacije, kamor se nato shranijo podatki s pomočjo metode F5. Skrivni podatki so pred shranjevanjem dodatno zaščiteni s kriptiranjem. Stisnjeni posnetki se nato v pretočni obliki preko mreže pošljejo prejemniku. Prejemnik izvede inverzni postopek in izloči skrivna sporočila. Pri steganografiji je bistveno, da ostane obstoj komunikacije prikrit. Zaradi tega je v delu izvedena tudi primerjava podobnosti izvornih posnetkov s tistimi, ki imajo v sebi skrite podatke. V rezultatih pokažemo, da večja količina skritih podatkov bolj vpliva na kvaliteto, kar je bolj opazno pri animacijah in posnetkih nižje ločljivosti. Najbolj primerni za shranjevanje podatkov so naravni posnetki višjih ločljivosti.


skrivanje podatkov;steganografija;frekvenčna domena;video vsebina;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [J. Henčič]
UDC: 004.62.021(043.2)
COBISS: 23071766 Link will open in a new window
Views: 668
Downloads: 102
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Steganographic algorithm for data hiding in digital video
Secondary abstract: In this thesis we present a new steganographic method for storing secret data in video content. The method allows hiding selected messages in sections of video files. Our chosen video is converted into the frequency domain representation with the discrete cosine transform. The secret data is encrypted and then stored in the video with the F5 method. The video is then compressed and sent over the network to the recipient. The recipient then performs an inverse procedure and extracts the secret messages. In steganography, it is essential to keep the existence of communication hidden. For this reason, the work compares the similarity of the original videos with those with secret information hidden in them. The results show that larger amounts of hidden data have a bigger effect on video quality, which is more noticeable on lower-resolution videos and animations. High resolution realistic videos are best suited for data hiding.
Secondary keywords: data hiding;steganography;frequency domain;video files;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Računalništvo in informacijske tehnologije
Pages: VII, 35 f.
ID: 11393070