primer dnevnoinformativne oddaje 24ur na POP TV
Nataša Gavranić (Author), Jernej Prodnik (Mentor)


Medijsko pokrivanje športnih dogodkov je izrednega pomena za prihodke športnih organizacij, športni prenosi pa so prav tako pomembni za medijske hiše (Andews, 2006; Beck in Bosshart, 2003; Jagodic, 2008; Nicholson in drugi, 2015; Wenner, 1989). Te želijo ustvariti dober, gledljiv produkt, ki bo pred televizijske ekrane privabil čim večje število ljudi, saj želijo povrniti denar, vložen v nakup televizijskih pravic (Helland 2007). Ker se televizijska postaja temu prilagodi tudi z vsebino novic, to magistrsko delo proučuje spremembe, ki jih televizijske pravice povzročajo na športnem novinarstvu. V empiričnem delu obravnava osrednjo informativno oddajo 24ur največje slovenske komercialne televizije POP TV in s pomočjo kvantitavne analize vsebin in kvalitativnih poglobljenih intervjujev raziskuje razlike v športnem novinarstvu v primeru pridobljenih in izgubljenih televizijskih pravic. Ugotavlja, da je dnevna agenda športnega dela oddaje odvisna od pridobljenih ali izgubljenih televizijskih pravic, prav tako je do neke mere od tega odvisna tudi izbira načina upovedovanja novinarskih besedil. To se pozna predvsem pri količini napovednih prispevkov, s čimer se - kot razkrijejo poglobljeni intervjuji - športno uredništvo POP TV drži tržne logike komercialnih televizij, a se obenem tudi trudi ugoditi interesu javnosti in o zanimivih športnih dogodkih poroča vsaj po koncu dogodka.


športno novinarstvo;šport;televizijske pravice;komercialna televizija;dnevnoinformativna oddaja;Športni novinarji;Novinarstvo;Televizijske športne oddaje;Športna tekmovanja;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [N. Gavranić]
UDC: 796:070(043.2)
COBISS: 36603997 Link will open in a new window
Views: 649
Downloads: 231
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Influence of TV rights on sports journalism: a case study of daily news show 24ur on POP TV
Secondary abstract: Media coverage of sports events has crutial value in revenues of sports organizations and broadcasts of those events are very important to media companies (Andews, 2006; Beck and Bosshart, 2003; Jagodic, 2008; Nicholson and others, 2015; Wenner, 1989). Media companies want to create the best programme they can to attract as many audiances as possible. The goal is to reimburse the money spent on TV rights and make a profit (Helland 2007). Because television stations adapt coverage of these events even in daily news programming, this thesis studies the changes that sports rights inflict on sports journalism. In the empirical part this masters thesis examines the content of 24ur, news show on the leading commercial television station in the country. With quantity analysis of content and in-depth interviews this thesis studies the correlation of sports coverage in the news show 24ur and television rights. It finds that the daily agenda of the sports desk within the news is subjected to rights ownership. By some degree also the selection of production type is subjected to this influence. It is mainly presented in the quantity of stories done before the broadcasts of sports events. As the in-depth interviews reveal, sports desk within the 24ur use the commercial television logic but at the same time cover all the mayor sports events regardless of rights ownership, but mainly after the event has taken place.
Secondary keywords: sports journalism;sport;television rights;commercial television;daily news show;Sports journalists;Journalism;Television broadcasting of sports;Sports competitions;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 77 str.
ID: 11394018
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