delo diplomskega projekta
Tomaž Vah (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Nabavna funkcija podjetja je tista podporna funkcija, ki poskrbi, da poslovni proces steče, da poteka nemoteno in prispeva k zagotavljanju konkurenčnosti podjetja. Učinkovita in uspešna nabava je torej pogoj za uspešno poslovanje podjetja. Nabavna funkcija je torej enako pomembna funkcija kot vsaka druga funkcija v podjetju. Lahko celo trdim, da je v zadnjem času pridobila na pomenu, saj kadar na trgu veljajo zaostrene gospodarske razmere in se soočamo z veliko konkurenčnostjo, ko na primer na trgih primanjkuje določenih materialov ali pa so njihove cene zelo visoke, takrat stopi v ospredje predvsem nabavna funkcija. Torej če odločitve povezane z nabavo sprejemamo premišljeno, to lahko za podjetje pomeni zmanjšanje stroškov in posledično povečanje dobička. Prav tako pa je v izjemnem porastu razvoj informacijske tehnologije, zaradi katere se v podjetjih ukinja papirnata in namesto te uvaja elektronska dokumentacija. Podjetja se prilagajajo tem sodobnejšim oblikam poslovanja, s čimer si zagotavljajo zmanjšanje stroškov in optimizacijo operativnega dela. Vse to posledično vodi v še učinkovitejše poslovanje podjetja. V svojem diplomskem projektu z naslovom Elektronska nabava sem predstavil temeljne značilnosti nabavne funkcije, natančneje sem se osredotočil na analizo elektronske nabave ter opredelil pomembnosti elektronskega poslovanja. V teoretičnem delu sem torej opredelil nabavo, opis nalog, faze nabavnega procesa, kaj je elektronsko poslovanje, njegovo razčlenitev in izpostavil najpomembnejše standarde e-poslovanja, pri čemer sem si pomagal z domačo in tujo strokovno literaturo. V praktičnem delu pa me je zanimal predvsem potek nabave in uporaba elektronskega poslovanja v podjetju terme Čatež d.d., zato sem v ta namen opravil intervju z direktorjem Službe za finance mag. Jožetom Hočevarjem.


nabava;elektronsko poslovanje;informacijska tehnologija;optimizacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Vah]
UDC: 658.7:004
COBISS: 36816387 Link will open in a new window
Views: 563
Downloads: 53
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Electronic procurement
Secondary abstract: The purchasing function of the company is the support function that ensures that the business process flows, runs smoothly and contributes to ensuring the competitiveness of the company. Effective and successful purchasing is therefore a fundamental for successful business operations. It is a really important function like any other function in a company. I can even claim that it has gained in importance lately. When the market is subject to harsh economic conditions and we face great competitiveness, for example when certain materials are scarce in the markets or their prices are very high, then the purchasing function comes to the fore. So, if we make informed purchasing decisions, it can mean a cost reduction and a consequent increase in profits. The development of information technology is also on the rise, with the result that from everyday paperwork companies switched to electronic documentation instead. Companies are adapting to these more modern forms of business, thereby reducing costs and optimizing operational work. This leads to an even more efficient operation of the company. In my diploma thesis titled E-procurement, I presented the basic characteristics of the purchasing function, I focused more specifically on the analysis of e-procurement and defined the importance of e-commerce. In the theoretical part, I defined the purchasing, the description of tasks, the stages of the purchasing process, what e-commerce is, broken it down, and highlighted the most important standards of e-commerce. I helped myself with domestic and foreign professional literature. In the practical part, I was particularly interested in the purchasing process and the use of electronic commerce in the company Terme Čatež d.d., so for this purpose I interviewed the director of the Finance Department mag. Jože Hočevar.
Secondary keywords: purchasing;e-commerce;information technology;optimization;company.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 34 str., 3 str. pril.
ID: 11409302
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