boj za svobodno življenje na podlagi Pisma Galačanom
Alenka Mir (Author), Maksimilijan Matjaž (Mentor)


V pričujočem diplomskem delu se srečamo z opominom na poklicanost k svobodi, h kateri nas kliče Kristus. Gre za svobodo duha od vsakršnega zla in egoizma, iz katerih izvirajo vse oblike zasužnjenosti, o katerih smo slišali in jih poznamo tudi danes. Pismo Galačanom, na katerega se naslanjamo pri odpiranju odgovorov, nosi temeljno sporočilo o svobodi, ki je mogoča zgolj v ljubezni, v Kristusu. To sporočilo ne zadeva le kristjanov v Galatiji, ki so bivali v času avtorja tega pisma, temveč sega do ljudi vseh krajev in časov. Vsak izmed nas v sebi bije boj duha, ki ga lahko zmaga zgolj z milostnim posredovanjem Jezusa Kristusa. Apostol Pavel tako želi svoje brate v Kristusu privesti do spoznanja, da ne potrebujejo (več) togih pravil postave, ampak Kristusa in življenje po evangeliju, ki ga je prinesel in veje s Svetim Duhom, ker Bog sam, ki je ljubezen, presega oz. dopolnjuje staro postavo. V prvem poglavju tega dela se dotikamo širšega pojmovanja svetopisemskega pojma svobode, v sledečih treh pa podrobneje raziščemo in obravnavamo Pismo Galačanom pod pojmom svobode, kakršno v nasprotju z napačnim pojmovanjem svobode sodobnikov v skladu s Kristusovim razodetjem predstavi apostol Pavel. V zadnjem, petem, poglavju pridobljeno spoznanje dopolnimo s teološko-filozofsko mislijo priznanih krščanskih mislecev, ki jo sklenemo s predlaganjem izzivov za sodobni čas, da bi boj kristjanov in vseh ljudi za svobodo, in s tem za uresničenje v ljubezni, postal uspešnejši.


Pismo Galačanom;svoboda;zasužnjenost;boj;postava;greh;ljubezen;Sveti Duh;diplomske naloge;Biblia;N. T.;Ad Galatas;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publisher: [A. Mir]
UDC: 27-277-248.48:141.5(043.2)
COBISS: 11077635 Link will open in a new window
Views: 649
Downloads: 170
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: »It is for freedom that Christ has set us free« (GAL 5,1A) : struggle for life in freedom based on Epistle to the Galatins
Secondary abstract: This paper reminds us about the vocation of freedom which Christ calls upon us. It is the freedom of mind without any evil and egoism, from which all forms of enslavement we have heard so far originate. The letter to Galatians, the main support and source at giving our answers, bears the fundamental message of freedom, which is possible only in love, in Christ. This message is not only about Christians in Galatia who were living at the time of this letter’s author but it reaches people of all places and times. Each one of us experiences spiritual struggle that can only be ended by the graceful intercession of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul thus wants to bring his brethren in Christ to the realization that they (no longer) need rigid rules of the law, but Christ and the life according to the gospel, which he brought along with the Holy Spirit, because God Himself, who is love, transcends or complements the old regulation. In the first chapter of this work, we reveal a broader conception of the biblical concept of freedom, and in the next three, we explore and treat Scripture in more detail under the concept of freedom, which, contrary to the false conception of the freedom of contemporaries, is presented by the apostle Paul in accordance with Christ's revelation. In the last, fifth chapter, we supplement the idea with the theological-philosophical concept of the renowned Christian thinkers concluded by proposing the challenges of modern times in order to make the struggle of Christians and all people for freedom and thus to become more successful in love.
Secondary keywords: Letter to Galatians;freedom;enslavement;struggle;law;sin;love;Holy Spirit;Jezus Kristus;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak.
Pages: VI, 51 str.
ID: 11411824
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