(magistrsko delo)
Matjaž Žunkovič (Author), Matej Strnad (Mentor)


Uvod: V delu Analiza vpliva usposabljanja na znanje in odnos do oživljanja med prvimi posredovalci smo ugotavljali, kako je projekt zaživel na raziskovanem območju, ali so člani prostovoljnih gasilskih društev (PGD) še naprej pripravljeni sodelovati v projektu, kakšen je njihov odnos do oživljanja in ali so še motivirani za nadaljnje sodelovanje. Metode: Opravili smo kvalitativno raziskavo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 154 prvih posredovalcev od 200, ki so se udeležili prvega izobraževanja leta 2011 in zaključili izobraževanje leta 2014. Do konca leta 2015 so znanje obnavljali vsaki dve leti, z letom 2016 pa vsako leto, na kar je vplivala sprememba Pravilnika o službi nujne medicinske pomoči iz oktobra 2015. V nalogi smo za preverjanje hipotez rezultate obdelali s programoma Microsoft Excel in PASW Statistics 18 ter s pomočjo statističnega paketa IBM SPSS 20,0. Rezultati: Hipotezo H1, da si večina članov PGD kot prvih posredovalcev želi dodatnega usposabljanja in sodelovanja v projektu AED, smo potrdili, saj rezultati kažejo, da statistično večji delež od 50 % (p < 0,001) anketiranih svoje znanje iz temeljnih postopkov oživljanja želi nadgraditi in da bi se 94,4 % anketiranih znova vključilo v projekt AED. Potrdili smo tudi hipotezo H2, s katero smo predvidevali, da večina članov PGD kot prvih posredovalcev meni, da dobro sodelujejo z ekipami nujne medicinske pomoči, saj je povprečna vrednost ocene 4,46, kar pomeni, da je sodelovanje statistično značilno večje od 3. Zato se na podlagi teh rezultatov sprejme alternativna hipoteza, ki pravi, da je povprečna ocena te trditve večja od 3 (t = 25,536; p < 0,001). Sklep: Ugotovili smo, da so prvi posredovalci še vedno visoko motivirani in so se še naprej pripravljeni izobraževati za pomoč kot prvi posredovalci.


prvi posredovalci;avtomatski zunanji defibrilator (AED);prostovoljni gasilci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM MF - Faculty of Medicine
Publisher: [M. Žunkovič]
UDC: 614.88-051(043.2)
COBISS: 18159619 Link will open in a new window
Views: 694
Downloads: 158
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the impact of training on knowledge and attitude towards preforming bls amongst first responders
Secondary abstract: Introduction: In the thesis entitled Analysis of the impact of training on knowledge and attitude of first responders towards resuscitation, we were determining the current status of the AED project in the research area, if members of voluntary firefighting associations (VFA) were willing to continue participating in the project, what was their attitude towards resuscitation and if they were still motivated to participate. Methods: We conducted a qualitative research, including 154 of the 200 first responders, who participated in the first educational project in 2011 and completed it in 2014. Until the end of 2015, they updated their knowledge every two years, and after 2016 every year, which was brought about by the Amendment of the Rules on emergency medical service, issued in October 2015. In order to verify the hypotheses of the thesis, we processed the results with the software Microsoft Excel and PASW Statistics 18 and the statistical package IBM SPSS 20.0. Results: The hypothesis H1, stating that the majority of first responders among VFA members want additional training and participation in the AED project, was confirmed, since the results showed that statistically more than 50% (p < 0.001) of the questioned wanted to upgrade their knowledge about cardiopulmonary resuscitation and that 94.4% of the questioned would re-join the AED project. We also confirmed hypothesis H2 that the majority of first responders among VFA members think that their cooperation with emergency medical service teams is good, since the average value was 4.46. This means that the value of cooperation is statistically significantly higher than 3 and we consequently affirmed the alternative hypothesis, which states that the average value of this statement is higher than 3 (t = 25.536; p < 0.001). Conclusion: We found that first responders are still highly motivated and willing to continue educating themselves about helping as first responders.
Secondary keywords: first responders;automated external defibrillator (AED);voluntary firemen;Cardiopulmonary resuscitation;Defibrillators;Kardiopulmonarno oživljanje;Defibrilatorji;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VI, 43 f., 6 f. pril.
ID: 11412134