diplomska naloga
Sanes Mehić (Author), Roman Kunič (Mentor), Mateja Dovjak (Co-mentor)


Namen: Diplomska naloga se ukvarja s problematiko prehoda toplote in vlage skozi difuzijsko odprte in zaprte konstrukcijske sklope zunanje stene, ki so sestavljeni pretežno iz naravnih materialov. Metoda: S pomočjo spletnega programa Ubakus smo obravnavali 9 konstrukcijskih sklopov (KS) zunanje stene sestavljene iz pretežno naravnih materialov. Preverili smo izbrane parametre gradbene fizike, kot so količina in čas sušenja kondenzacije, vsebnost vlage v lesu, toplotno prehodnost, toplotno stabilnost in površinsko temperaturo v zimski in poletni sezoni. Izračunane vrednosti smo primerjali s kriteriji Pravilnika o učinkoviti rabi energije (Ur. l. RS, št. 52/10) in tehničnih smernic TSG-1-004:2010. V zimski sezoni smo preučili 5 primerov KS zunanje stene: 1. primer; nosilna konstrukcija iz CLT (ang. Cross-Laminated Timber), 2. primer: zaščitne plošče iz DHF (ang. High Density Fiberboard) plošč, 3. primer: zaščitne plošče iz OSB (ang. Oriented Strand Board) plošč, 4. primer: promovirani difuzijsko odprt sklop in 5. primer : optimizirani sklop za zimsko sezono. Promoviran in optimiziran KS smo preučili tudi v poletni sezoni (primer 6 in 7). V zimski sezoni smo pri primeru 8 preverili prehod vlage in toplote za primer namestitve OSB plošč v notranjosti in DHF na zunanji strani sklopa. Pri primeru 9 smo analizirali še zamenjan položaj OSB in DHF plošč. Rezultati in razprava: Rezultati kažejo, da velika debelina toplotne izolacije pri večini konstrukcijskih sklopov rezultira z ustrezno toplotno prehodnostjo. V primeru udobnih notranjih in ne ekstremnih zunanjih razmer, so bolj univerzalni difuzijsko odprti konstrukcijski sklopi zunanje stene. Pri difuzijsko odprtem sklopu (4. primer) v ekstremnih zimskih razmerah nastane 0,51 kg/m2 vlage, ki se posuši v devetnajstih poletnih dneh. V poletni sezoni pri ekstremno visoki temperaturi in vlagi (primer 6) nastane 0,12 kg/m2 vlage, kar se posuši v šestih dneh. Difuzijsko zaprt sklop (primer 7) je z 2,53 kg/m2 vlage v poletnih dneh neuporaben, ker za osušitev nastale vlage rabimo 233 poletnih dni. Ob napačni namestitvi OSB plošč nastane 0,38 kg/m2 vlage in 124 dni potrebnih za izsušitev. Pri zasnovani vgradnji bi nastalo 0,28 kg/m2 vlage s časom izsuševanja 7 dni. Po zamenjavi položaja zaščitnih plošč dobimo funkcijsko drugačen konstrukcijski sklop in pri zvišanju vlage v zraku ali temperature zraka notranjih prostorov dobimo nefunkcionalen KS, saj nimamo dovolj toplih dni v poletni sezoni za izsušitev. Zaključki: Analizo smo izvedli le za konstrukcijski sklop zunanje stene. Na podoben način lahko preverimo tudi ostale segmente stavbnega ovoja. Pri zasnovi KS je potrebno preveriti delovanje le teh v različnih zunanjih in notranjih razmerah in izvesti optimizacijo sestave upoštevajoč najbolj neugodne razmere.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;GR;B-GR;konstrukcijski sklopi;zunanja stena;klimatske razmere;toplotna prehodnost;naravni materiali;vodna para;kondenzacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [S. Mehić]
UDC: 699.82+699.86(043.2)
COBISS: 15957763 Link will open in a new window
Views: 570
Downloads: 183
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Designing of modern constructional complexes made from natural materials in the view of heat and moisture transfer
Secondary abstract: The purpose: The graduation thesis deals with the problem of the transition of heat and humidity through diffusion-open and diffusion-closed constructional complexes of the outer wall made from natural materials. The methodology: With online program Ubakus, we analyzed 9 constructional complexes (CC) of an exterior wall made from natural materials. After entering all parameters, we receive information about quantity of condensation, time of drying of the condensation, moisture in the wood, the thermal transmittance, the thermal stability and surface temperature in the winter and summer seasons. The results were compared with the criteria according to the Rules on efficient use of energy in buildings with a technical guideline (OJ. RS, no. 52/10) and TSG-1-004: 2010. In the winter season, we are made 5 examples of CC: example 1; load bearing construction from CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber), example 2; DHF (High Density Fiberboard) panels, example 3; OSB (Oriented Strand Board) panels, example 4; promoted diffusion-open construction complexes and example 5; optimized diffusion-closed construction complexes made for the winter season. Optimized CC and promoted CC was also analyzed during the summer season (Example 6 and 7). In the winter season, we checked the moisture and heat transfer where we installed OSB panels inside and DHF panels to the outside of CC (example 8). In example 9, we analyzed changed position of OSB and DHF panels. The results and discussion: With a larger thickness of thermal insulation, we get adequate thermal transmittance. In case of comfortable internal conditions and non-extreme external conditions, diffusion-open construction complexes are more universal. In a diffusion-open CC (Example 4) 0,51 kg/m2 of condensation in extreme winter climate conditions are produced. In the summer season at extremely high temperatures and humidity (Example 6), CC 0,12 kg/m2 condensate is produces. This quantity dries in summer in 6 days. The diffusion-closed CC (Example 7) is unuseless in summer days with 2,53 kg/m2 of condensation, because CC need 233 summer days for drying a quantity condensate. Incorrect installation of OSB panels, resulted 0,38 kg/m2 of condensation and need 124 days for dries in summer days. In a planned installation of panels 0,28 kg/m2 of condensation is produced with a drying time of 7 days. After replacement a wood panels, functionality of CC is different. When the humidity or air temperature of the interior spaces is increased, we get an unuseless construction complexes because, we don't have enough warm days. Conclusion: The analyzes were performed only for the exterior wall construction complexes. In the same way, we can analyze other segments of the building envelope. When we are planning a new CC, we must check the construction complexes performance in different external and internal conditions and optimize CC to operate in the most unfavorable conditions.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;constructional complexes;external wall;climate conditions;thermal transmittance;natural materials;water vapor;condensation;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XXI, 40 str.
ID: 11414403