diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
David Somensary (Author), Peter Umek (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo govori o stresnosti policijskega dela ter kako so k stresu, posttravmatski stresni motnji in njunim posledicam izpostavljeni policisti pri svojem vsakdanjem delu. Namen diplomskega dela je tudi osvestiti policiste in morda tudi druge, kako, kje in na kakšen način lahko poiščejo strokovno pomoč ter kdo in na kakšen način jo nudi. Osrednji del diplomskega dela je raziskava, ki je bila izvedena je s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Anketni vprašalnik je bil razdeljen znotraj Policijske uprave Nova Gorica (SKP PU Nova Gorica, OKC PU Nova Gorica, PPP Nova Gorica, PP Ajdovščina, PP Bovec, PP Nova Gorica in PP Tolmin), in sicer na različnih sistematiziranih delovnih mestih kot so: policist, policist – starejši policist, policist – stalni dežurni, policist – vodja policijskega okoliša, policist – kriminalist in drugo. Za namen raziskave smo zastavili tri hipoteze, s katerimi smo želeli ugotoviti, ali Policija kot delodajalec skrbi za ustrezno in pravočasno pomoč policistom, ali travmatični dogodek pri večini policistov ne pusti negativnih posledic in ali imajo policisti predsodke pred iskanjem psihološke pomoči. Rezultati anketnega vprašalnika "Vpliv travmatičnih dogodkov na delo policista in psihološka pomoč" so pokazali, da policisti imajo predsodke pred iskanjem psihološke pomoči. Z neposredno trditvijo o lastnih predsodkih pri trditvi št. 4 – Psihološke pomoči zaradi predsodka ne bom uporabil/a, se je sicer strinjal manjši odstotek anketiranih policistov, vendar jih več kot polovica meni, da imajo predsodke drugi policisti. Prav tako so zgovorni odgovori policistov na odprto vprašanje št. 14 – V katerem primeru bi se odločili za psihološko pomoč zaradi travmatičnega dogodka v službi, ko jih, kar slaba tretjina v nobenem primeru ne bi iskala psihološke pomoči ob travmatičnem dogodku v službi. Menimo, da so rezultati skladni s pogostim stereotipom, da mora biti policist „super junak“, ki mu nič ne pride do živega.


diplomske naloge;stres;posttravmatska stresna motnja;psihološka pomoč;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [D. Somensary]
UDC: 159.9:351.74(043.2)
COBISS: 3833322 Link will open in a new window
Views: 652
Downloads: 91
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of traumatic events on the work of police officers and psychological assistance
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis discusses the stressfulness of police work and how police officers are exposed to stress, posttraumatic stress disorder and the effects of both in their daily work. The purpose of the diploma thesis is also to raise awareness among police officers and others regarding professional help; how, where to find it, including the ways of help. The focus of the thesis is research, which it was conducted with the help of a survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was distributed within the Nova Gorica Police Directorate (Nova Gorica CPD, Nova Gorica OCC PD, Nova Gorica TPS, Ajdovščina PS, Bovec PS, Nova Gorica PS and Tolmin PS) in various systematic posts such as: police officer, police officer – senior police officer, police officer – duty officer, police officer – regional chief of police, police officer – detective and other. We set three hypotheses for the purpose of the research in order to determine whether the police as an employer provides adequate and timely assistance to police officers, if a traumatic event does not have negative consequences for most police officers and if police officers have prejudices against seeking psychological assistance. The set hypotheses were confirmed in the final part and results were interpreted accordingly. The results of the survey questionnaire "Impact of traumatic events on the work of police officers and psychological assistance" showed that police officers do have prejudices before seeking psychological help. By directly claiming in claim no. 4 – I will not seek psychological assistance because of prejudice, although a smaller percentage of police officers agreed, but more than half believe that other police officers have prejudices. Equally eloquent are the officers' answers to the open question no. 14 - In which case would they opt for psychological assistance because of a traumatic event at work; one third would never seek for professional assistance due to traumatic event at work. We believe that the results are consistent with the common stereotype that a police officer must be a "super hero", meaning "unbreakable" as such figure.
Secondary keywords: stress;posttraumatic stress disorder;psychological assistance;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VI, 35 str.
ID: 11416807
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