diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Katrin Sirk (Author), Branko Lobnikar (Mentor)


Cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, katere samovarovalne ukrepe uporabljajo prebivalci občine Brda in kakšno je njihovo zaupanje v delo policije in drugih zasebnih varnostnih služb. V teoretičnem delu so opredeljeni temeljni pojmi, kot so samovarovanje, varnost, skupnost, vloga v sodobni družbi, kriminaliteta in prevencija. Opisana sta policijsko delo v skupnosti in strah pred kriminaliteto, kjer so našteti vzroki in dejavniki strahu ter opisani negativni učinki. Opisana sta tudi vloga in delovanje policije in predstavljeni samovarovalni ukrepi (ključavnica, protivlomna vrata, ograje ipd.), ki jih prebivalci uporabljajo pri samozaščitnem vedenju. Denar, vrednostne papirje, dragocenosti iz plemenitih kovin in dragih kamnov, dokumente, dokumentacijo in premoženje v širšem pomenu besede (stanovanje, stanovanjske hiše ipd.) varujemo z namenom, da preprečimo njihovo odtujitev. Najpogostejše oblike odtujitve so vlomi in ropi. Da bi to preprečili, hranimo predmete v protivlomnih vsebnikih in prostorih, ki so glede na varovano vrednost ustrezne varnostne stopnje. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati analize ankete, ki je bila izvedena na območju občine Brda. Rezultati so pokazali, da prebivalci najbolj zaščitijo svoja stanovanja ali hiše tako, da zaklepajo vhodna vrata in zapirajo okna, imajo psa in zavarujejo hiše pri zavarovalnici. Svoja prevozna sredstva pa zavarujejo tako, da dosledno preverijo, da v njih ni pomembnih stvari. Največja stopnja je bila zaupanje med sosedi, saj so prepričani, da bi jim po potrebi priskočili na pomoč. Raziskava je pokazala, da se občani v svoji soseski počutijo dovolj varne, zaupajo v svoje sosede in dobro poskrbijo za svoje premoženje z različnimi varnostnimi zaščitami.


diplomske naloge;varnost;kriminaliteta;skupnost;prebivalci;samovarovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [K. Sirk]
UDC: 351.78(043.2)
COBISS: 3845610 Link will open in a new window
Views: 579
Downloads: 84
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Self-protection of inhabitants of municipality Brda
Secondary abstract: The goal of my thesis was to determine what self-protective measures are used by the inhabitants of Brda Municipality and to what extent they trust into the work of the police and other private security services. The thesis is divided into two parts, the theoretical and the empirical part. In the theoretical part, the basic concepts such as self-protection, security, community, role in modern society, crime and prevention are defined and explained. We described police engagement in the community and fear of crime, and and listed the causes and factors of fear and described the negative effects. We also described the role of the police and their activities. Besides this, self-protective measures such as locks, burglary doors, fences, etc., which residents use in self-protective behaviour, have been presented. Money, securities, precious metals and precious stones, documents, documentation and property in the broad sense of the word (flats, houses, etc.) are protected in order to prevent them from being stolen. The most common forms of alienation are burglaries and robberies. To prevent this, we should store items in burglary chests and spaces that are of adequate security grade, given the protected value. The empirical part presents the results of the analysis of a survey conducted in the Brda Municipality. The results showed that residents are used to protecting their flats or houses by locking the front door, closing all the windows, having a dog and securing houses with an insurance company. They secure vehicles by constantly checking that there are no valuables or important things in them. The most important precaution, however, was trust among neighbours, as residents are sure that they would come to their aid when needed. The survey concluded that residents feel safe enough in their neighbourhood, they have trust in their neighbours, and take good care of their property with various security precautions.
Secondary keywords: Security;crime;community;self-protection;inhabitants.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: Vi, 29 str.
ID: 11419568
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