Katarina Fon (Author), Alan Kacin (Author), Daša Weber (Author)


Uvod: Terapija z udarnimi globinskimi valovi velja v medicini in fizioterapij za učinkovito in varno, brez hujših stranskih učinkov. Delovanje udarnih globinskih valov ni le posledica neposrednega mehanskega draženja, temveč tudi različnih bioloških odgovorov na akustični dražljaj. Namen članka je s pomočjo pregleda literature predstaviti znanstvene dokaze o učinkih delovanja udarnih globinskih valov na celice in tkiva. Metode: Izbrana metoda dela je pregled literature, ki je bila iskana v Cochrane, ScienceDirect in PubMed junija 2017. Rezultati: Vključitvenim in izključitvenim merilom je ustrezalo osem znanstvenih člankov, ki so raziskovali vpliv udarnih globinskih valov na osteoblaste, matične celice, makrofage, kožno tkivo in tenocite. Zaključek: Učinki delovanja udarnih globinskih valov so posledica mehanotransdukcije, ki spremeni mehanski dražljaj v elektrokemične signale v celici, kar sproži različne reakcije v tarčnem tkivu. Pravilna izbira parametrov udarnih valov ima pozitivne učinke, nepravilno odmerjanje pa negativne posledice. Potrebne so nadaljnje raziskave in vivo pri zdravih ljudeh in ljudeh z okvarami gibalnega sistema, ki bi ovrednotile tudi dolgoročni učinek udarnih globinskih valov.


proliferacija;diferenciacija;osteoblasti;fibroblasti;tenociti;matične celice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 5466731 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-2102
Views: 706
Downloads: 182
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on tissues and cells
Secondary abstract: Background: Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is considered effective, safe, with little to no complications for treatment in medicine and physiotherapy. Its effect is not only an answer of the tissue to mechanical stimulus, but also a cascade of biological reactions of the cell through transduction. The purpose is finding scientific evidence of biochemical effects of extracorporeal shock waves. Methods: The chosen method is a literature review. The literature was searched in Cochrane, ScienceDirect and PubMed in June 2017. Results: Eight studies fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria and they researched the effect of extracorporeal shock waves on osteoblasts, stem cells, macrophages, skin tissue and tenocytes. Conclusions: The mechanism behind the effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy is mechanotransduction, which transforms mechanical signal into an electrochemical signal in the target issue. The correct dosage of shockwaves has positive outcomes, but the wrong choice of parameters can lead to negative outcomes. However, long term outcomes and in vivo effects on healthy and pathological tissues should be further investigated.
Secondary keywords: proliferation;differentiation;osteoblasts;fibroblasts;tenocytes;stem cells;
Pages: str. 42-49
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ26
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: jun. 2018
ID: 11423686