Uvod: Bolečina v križu je kostno-mišična motnja s številnimi dejavniki tveganja. Mednje spada tudi provokativna drža hrbtenice. Namen: Predstaviti mnenja fizioterapevtov o tem, kateri položaj sedenja je najbolj primeren za hrbtenico, in pomembnost drže pri obvladovanju bolečine v križu. Metode: Poslanih je bilo 140 anket v zdravilišča, bolnišnice in zdravstvene domove po Sloveniji. Fizioterapevti so izmed devetih mogočih položajev na sliki v anketi izbrali in obkrožili po njihovem mnenju najbolj pravilnega. Na lestvici od 0 do 10 so obkrožili številko, ki ocenjuje pomembnost drže hrbtenice pri obravnavi bolečine v križu. Za analizo je bila uporabljena opisna statistika. Rezultati: Vrnjenih in za analizo uporabljenih je bilo 112 anket, ki jih je izpolnilo 10 moških in 102 ženski (povprečna starost 39,6 leta), s povprečno delovno dobo 15,8 leta. Večina anketiranih (87 %) je izbrala enega izmed dveh položajev kot najboljšega, in sicer enega v 67 % in drugega v 20 %. Pomembnost drže pri obvladovanju bolečine v križu je ocenilo 65 % fizioterapevtov. Zaključki: Zdi se, da gre za pomanjkanje dogovora med strokovnjaki o najboljšem sedečem položaju za hrbtenico. Potrebne so nadaljnje raziskave, ki bi preučevale mnenja fizioterapevtov o tem, kateri sedeči položaj je najboljši.
hrbtenica;drža;sedenje;bolečina v križu;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
1.01 - Original Scientific Article |
Organization: |
UL ZF - University College of Health Studies |
UDC: |
616.711-009:615.8 |
1318-2102 |
Views: |
465 |
Downloads: |
150 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
What do Slovenian physiotherapists consider to be the best spinal sitting posture |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: Low back pain is a common musculoskeletal disorder, with numerous risk factors including provocative posture. Objective: To investigate the perception of physiotherapists on the best sitting posture and how important posture is for management low back pain. Methods: One hundred and forty questionnaires were sent to physiotherapists in spas, hospitals and outpatient departments across Slovenia. They selected their perceived best sitting posture from a sample of nine options. They were also asked to rate how important they thought spinal posture was in the management of chronic low back on a scale of 0 to10. Descriptive statistic was used for data analysis. Results: One hundred and twelve questionnaires completed from 10 male and 102 female physiotherapists (average age 39.6 years), with average 15.8 years of working experience were used for analysis. The majority of participants (87 %) selected two postures as the best sitting posture, one in 67 % and the other in 20 %. Spinal posture was very important in the management of chronic low back pain for 65 % of participant. Conclusions: It appears that while most physiotherapists picked one of the two postures, there is still considerable disagreement on what the best sitting posture is. Further research on the perceptions of physiotherapists what is good sitting posture, is indicated. |
Secondary keywords: |
spine;posture;low sitting;back pain; |
URN: |
Pages: |
str. 15-24 |
Volume: |
ǂLetn. ǂ24 |
Issue: |
ǂšt. ǂ1 |
Chronology: |
jun. 2016 |
ID: |
11426425 |