Špela Kralj (Author), Daša Weber (Author), Alan Kacin (Author)


Uvod: V rehabilitacijo tendinopatije rotatorne manšete se večinoma vključujeta vadba in terapevtski ultrazvok. Povezava med in vitro dokazanimi učinki ultrazvoka na pospešeno celjenje tkiva in resničnim terapevtskim učinkom pri različnih patologijah mišično-skeletnega sistema pri ljudeh še ni jasna. Namen članka je bil na podlagi pregleda literature analizirati dokaze o učinkovitosti ultrazvoka pri zdravljenju tendinopatij rotatorne manšete. Metode: Iskanje literature je potekalo prek podatkovnih zbirkah PubMed, Cochrane Library, PEDro, CINAHL in Science Direct. Vključeni članki so bili objavljeni med letoma 2005 in 2015. Rezultati: V pregled je bilo vključenih deset raziskav, od katerih so v treh primerjali učinkovitost ultrazvoka z njegovo navidezno (placebo) aplikacijo ali terapijo brez ultrazvoka, v treh raziskavah so primerjali ultrazvok in laser, v štirih raziskavah pa so primerjali ultrazvok z drugimi vrstami terapije. Zaključki: Razpoložljivost kakovostnih raziskav je omejena, njihova primerjava pa je bila zaradi heterogenosti parametrov in merilnih orodij ter različnih vrst terapije otežena. Na podlagi pregledanih raziskav ni mogoče podati zanesljivega sklepa glede učinkovitosti terapevtskega ultrazvoka na tendinopatijo rotatorne manšete. V prihodnjih raziskavah bi morali terapevtski ultrazvok hkrati primerjati z navidezno terapijo z ultrazvokom in dobro nadzorovano obravnavo brez ultrazvoka.


terapevtski ultrazvok;tendinopatija;rotatorna manšeta;učinkovitost;zdravljenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
UDC: 615.82/.84:616-073.4-8
COBISS: 5063787 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-2102
Views: 533
Downloads: 141
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effectiveness of therapeutic ultrasound for treatment of rotator cuff tendinopathies - literature review
Secondary abstract: Introduction: In most cases, physiotherapy of rotator cuff tendinopathy includes exercises and application of therapeutic ultrasound. However, stimulating effects of ultrasound on tissue healing demonstrated in-vitro have not been clearly confirmed in humans with various pathologies of musculoskeletal system. The aim of this literature review is to analyse available evidence of ultrasound effectiveness in treatment of rotator cuff tendinopathy. Methods: Database search was performed with PubMed, Cochrane Library, PEDro, CINAHL and Science Direct. The included articles were published between 2005 and 2015. Results: Ten studies met the criteria, three of which compared effects of ultrasound with sham application or control group, three studies compared ultrasound with laser and four studies compared ultrasound with other therapeutic modalities. Conclusions: The availability of high-quality research is limited. Synthesis of the results was hindered by heterogeneity of ultrasound parameters and measurement protocols, as well as therapeutic modalities, used for comparison. A reliable conclusion on the efficiency of ultrasound in treating rotator cuff tendinopathy cannot be drawn based on available data. Future studies must focus on comparison of ultrasound with its sham application and well controlled treatment protocol without ultrasound.
Secondary keywords: therapeutic ultrasound;tendiopathy;rotator cuff;treatment efficacy;
Pages: str. 53-59
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ24
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: jun. 2016
ID: 11426433