Alan Kacin (Author), Nina Tanšek (Author)


Uvod: Mišične distrofije so skupina genetskih mišičnih bolezni, za katere je značilna progresivna degeneracija skeletnih mišičnih vlaken. Učinki vadbe na potek bolezni še niso popolnoma jasni. Namen: Pregledati dokaze o učinkovitosti različnih oblik vadb pri bolnikih z mišičnimi distrofijami. Metode: Literatura je bila pridobljena s podatkovnimi zbirkami Cobiss, PubMed in The Cochrane Library ter spletnega iskalnika Google Scholar. Iskanje je bilo omejeno na slovenski in angleški jezik. Vključene so bile randomizirane raziskave s kontrolno skupino. Rezultati: Vključitvenim merilom je ustrezalo devet raziskav. Od teh so v štirih preučevali učinke vadbe proti uporu, v štirih učinke aerobne vadbe in v eni učinke kombinirane vadbe. Rezultati pregleda kažejo, da vadba proti uporu lahko izboljša mišično jakost in vzdržljivost. Aerobna vadba izboljša aerobno zmogljivost, mišično jakost in vzdržljivost, podaljša prehojeno razdaljo ter izboljša oziroma ohranja funkcijsko sposobnost pacienta. Kombinirana vadba vpliva pozitivno na subjektivno oceno vitalnosti pacientov, ovrednoteno s SF-36 vprašalnikom. O neželenih učinkih vadbe v pregledanih raziskavah niso poročali. Zaključki: Rezultati kažejo, da so te oblike vadb s parametri, ki so bili uporabljeni v raziskavah, varne, izvedljive in zmerno učinkovite pri pacientih z različnimi oblikami mišičnih distrofij.


mišična distrofija;fizioterapija;vadba proti uporu;aerobna vadba;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
UDC: 615.8:616.74
COBISS: 4977259 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-2102
Views: 412
Downloads: 181
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effectiveness of cardiorespiratory and resistance training in muscula dystrophies - literature review
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic muscular diseases with progressive degeneration of skeletal muscular fibres. The effects of exercise on the course of illness are not completely clear. Objectives: To review scientific evidence of the effects of exercise in patients with muscular dystrophy. Methods: Literature was obtained by using PubMed and Cochrane Library databases and web search engines Google Scholar and Cobiss. Search was limited to Slovenian and English language. The review was limited to randomized controlled trials only. Results: Nine studies met all the inclusion criteria of which four studies investigated effects of resistance training, four of aerobic training and one of a training programme combining both types of exercise. The results showed improved muscular strength and endurance with resistance training. The aerobic training was shown to enhance aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, as well as keeping functional ability of the patient. The combined form of training positively influences vitality subscale of SF-36 questionnaire. No negative effects were reported. Conclusions: The type and volume of exercise training reported in reviewed studies is safe, feasible, and has modest positive effect on patients with different forms of muscular dystrophy.
Secondary keywords: muscular dystrophy;physiotherapy;resistance training;cardiorespiratory training;
Pages: str. 58-66
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ23
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: dec. 2015
ID: 11427484