Darja Rugelj (Author), Polona Palma (Author)


Ravnotežje je zahtevna funkcija, zato je treba pri njegovem ocenjevanju ugotoviti vpliv različnih dejavnikov. V ta namen je bila razvita funkcijska lestvica avtorice Katherine Berg in sodelavcev »Balance scale« ali Bergova lestvica za oceno ravnotežja (BBS). Sestavljena je iz 14, za ravnotežje specifičnih gibalnih nalog, povzetih iz dejavnosti vsakodnevnega življenja. Lestvica ima visoko notranjo skladnost, je veljavna in ima dobre psihometrijske lastnosti. Ima tudi visoko zanesljivost posameznika in med posamezniki. Izmerjeno ima tudi napovedno veljavnost za padce. Na splošno velja, da rezultati pod 45 točkami na Bergovi lestvici kažejo na motnjo ravnotežja in s tem povečano tveganje za padce. Lestvico je mogoče uporabiti tudi za napovedovanje trajanja hospitalizacije ter vrste in obsega pomoči ob odpustu iz bolnišnice pri osebah po preboleli možganski kapi. Lastnosti Bergove lestvice za oceno ravnotežja omogočajo njeno uporabo pri raziskovanju in v rehabilitaciji oseb z okvarami ravnotežja, ki so posledica različnih bolezni ali staranja.


ravnotežje;ocenjevanje ravnotežja;ravnotežna lestvica;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
UDC: 616.8-009.18
COBISS: 4502635 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-2102
Views: 720
Downloads: 193
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Berg balance scale
Secondary abstract: Balance is a very complex function and when assessed the influence of different factors needs to be established. Katherine Berg and her associates have developed function scale called »Balanced scale« (BBS) for balance evaluation. BBS includes 14 physical tasks, which are specific for balance and originate from everyday activities. BBS has a very high internal consistency, validity and has good psychometric characteristics. BBS also has high inter- and intra-rate reliability. Furthermore, it can be used for fall prediction. Fewer than 45 points at BBS indicate a balance dysfunction, which is one of the significant risk factors for falls. BBS can also be used for prediction of the length of the hospital stay and to predict the type and the amount of help needed after stroke, when discharged from the hospital. Characteristics of BBS are commonly used in research and rehabilitation among persons with balance dysfunction.
Secondary keywords: balance;assessment of balance;balance scale;
Pages: str. 15-25
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ21
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: 2013
ID: 11428664