Petra Perčič (Author), Matic Trlep (Author), Matjaž Mihelj (Author), Urška Puh (Author)


Uvod: Vadba v navideznem okolju kaže spodbudne rezultate pri izboljšanju gibanja zgornjega uda po možganski kapi. Metode: V štiritedenskem programu vadbe s sistemom BiMeo je sodelovala 44-letna pacientka, 14 let po možganski kapi. Vadba je potekala trikrat na teden po 45 do 60 minut. Program je obsegal štiri enoročne in šest dvoročnih nalog. Po dveh tednih smo težavnost vadbe stopnjevali. Pred obdobjem vadbe in po njem smo ocenili motorično funkcijo in mišični tonus zgornjega uda, med izvajanjem nalog pa s sistemom BiMeo zapisovali podatke o značilnosti izvedbe. Rezultati: Po koncu vadbe so se pri večini nalog izboljšali natančnost, hitrost in obseg gibanja ter mišična moč okvarjenega uda. Zvišani mišični tonus se je v nekaterih mišičnih skupinah znižal, v drugih pa ostal nespremenjen. Motorična funkcija okvarjenega zgornjega uda je ostala nespremenjena. Zaključki: Pri tej preiskovanki je bila vadba s sistemom BiMeo delno učinkovita. Sklepamo, da bi bila uporaba sistema BiMeo pri nevroloških pacientih z okvarjenim zgornjim udom lahko smiselna, prenos v funkcijo pa boljši, če bi bilo obdobje vadbe daljše in v kombinaciji s standardnimi postopki fizioterapije ter če bi pri pacientih od možganske kapi minilo manj časa.


možganska kap;rehabilitacija;okvare gibanja zgornjega uda;enoročna vadba;dvoročna vadba;navidezna resničnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
UDC: 615.82/.84:616.831-005.1
COBISS: 4611179 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-2102
Views: 480
Downloads: 180
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effects of training with BiMeo system on the upper extremity movement recovery after stroke
Secondary abstract: Background: Training in virtual reality has promising results for upper extremity movement recovery after stroke. Methods: A 44-year-old female patient, 14 years after stroke, participated in a 4 weeks’ training with BiMeo system. The training was performed 3 times a week for 45 to 60 minutes. It consisted of 4 unilateral and 6 bilateral tasks. The level of difficulty was increased after two weeks. Before and after the training the assessment of motor function and muscle tone of the affected upper extremity was performed. During tasks performance movement parameters were collected with BiMeo system. Results: After training programme, accuracy, speed, range of motion and muscle strength of the affected extremity increased in majority of tasks. In some muscle groups the muscle tone decreased, but in others it remained unchanged. Motor function of the upper extremity remained unchanged. Conclusions: For the included subject, the training programme was partially effective. We speculate that use of BiMeo system might be effective in neurological patients with upper extremity movement dysfunction. Longer training period and combination with standard physiotherapy procedures might increase functional recovery, which might be greater in patients earlier after stoke.
Secondary keywords: stroke;rehabilitation;upper limb movement dysfunction;unilateral training;bilateral training;virtual reality;
Pages: str. 55-61
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ21
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: okt. 2013
ID: 11428669