Nina Bogerd (Author)


Izhodišče: Ob povišanju telesne temperature ima lahko do 80 odstotkov bolnikov z multiplo sklerozo poslabšanje tako nevroloških kot tudi drugih motoričnih simptomov. Znižanje telesne temperature pa lahko predvidoma pripelje do izboljšanja simptomov. Namen tega dela je, s pregledom literature ugotoviti, ali hlajenje kot metoda za dosego znižane telesne temperature izboljša simptome multiple skleroze. Metode dela: V pregled je bila vključena literatura, objavljena do leta 2012, ki je vsebovala 1) natančen opis uporabljene metode hlajenja in 2) informacijo o vplivu hlajenja na telesno temperaturo. Rezultati: Zahtevanim pogojem je ustrezalo osem raziskav. V teh raziskavah je bila kot metoda hlajenja uporabljena bodisi hladna kopel, hladilna obleka ali kapa ali izpostavitev hladnemu zraku. V šestih raziskavah so poročali o znižanju temperature telesnega jedra od 0,2 do 2,1 °C. Sedem raziskav izmed osmih je poročalo o izboljšanju simptomov multiple skleroze med hlajenjem in do dveh ur po hlajenju. Najpogosteje se je izboljšanje simptomov kazalo v izboljšani moči in hoji ter zmanjšani utrujenosti. Sklep: Na podlagi pregleda literature lahko ugotavljamo, da je hlajenje učinkovita metoda za trenutno izboljšanje simptomov multiple skleroze.


zdravljenje z mrazom;hlajenje;multipla skleroza;telesna temperatura;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
UDC: 615.832.9:616.832-004
COBISS: 4413547 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-2102
Views: 466
Downloads: 169
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Using cooling strategies to relieve the symptoms of multiple sclerosis
Secondary abstract: Introduction: In about 80% of multiple sclerosis patients increased body temperature causes a deterioration of neurological and other motoric symptoms. On the other hand, it is suggested that cooling causes a relief in the symptoms. The aim of the present literature review was to identify if cooling, as a method for decreasing body temperature, relieves the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Methods: The review was composed of the literature published by 2012. Only the literature giving detailed information on 1) the cooling method applied and 2) the effect of cooling on body temperature was included. Results: Based on the given criteria, eight studies were included in this review. In these, cooling was provided using either cold baths, cooling suits and hat, or cold air exposure. In six studies, a decrease in body core temperature of 0.2 to 2.1 °C was observed. In seven studies, cooling coincided with a relief in the symptoms during, and in one study, also two hours after the cooling. On general, the improvements were observed as improvements in muscle strength and gait, and a decrease in fatigue. Conclusion: It is concluded that cooling represents an efficient method for a temporary relief in the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
Secondary keywords: cooling;multiple sclerosis;body temperature;
Pages: str. 13-19
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ20
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: 2012
ID: 11428673