[diplomska naloga]
Matjaž Kravanja (Author), Roman Kunič (Mentor), Mitja Košir (Co-mentor)


V prvem delu diplomske naloge sta izvedeni analiza in energijska bilanca obstoječega stanja večstanovanjske stavbe v Tolminu, ki je bila zgrajena pred več kot stotimi leti in adaptirana v večstanovanjsko stavbo leta 1989. V analizi sem se osredotočil na stanje toplotne, zvočne in hidroizolacijske zaščite stavbe in preveril njeno ustreznost glede na trenutno veljavno zakonodajo. Pri tem sem si pomagal s programskima orodjema Ubakus in Hrup13. Podatke o sestavi konstrukcijskih sklopov in uporabljenih materialih sem pridobil iz projektne dokumentacije projekta za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja. V sklopu analize je opisan še vpliv stanja zaščitnih konstrukcij na bivalno udobje v stavbi. Za izračun energijske bilance se uporablja program KI Energija 2019. Rezultati energijske bilance so komentirani in primerjani s trenutno veljavno dokumentacijo. V drugem delu pa sta predstavljena primer prenove stavbe in energijska bilanca novega stanja. V primeru prenove so opisani vsi posegi na konstrukcijskih sklopih in novi materiali, ki se bodo uporabljali pri prenovi. Opisan je tudi vpliv posegov na bivalno udobje. Na koncu je izvedena še energijska bilanca stavbe po prenovi.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;GR;B-GR;toplotna izolacija;zvočna izolirnost;vlaga;energijska bilanca;PURES 2010;U faktor;prenova;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Kravanja]
UDC: 620.9:699.8(497.4)(043.3)
COBISS: 28492547 Link will open in a new window
Views: 836
Downloads: 275
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comperhensive renovation of apartment building in Tolmin
Secondary abstract: In the first part of this thesis I made an analysis and energy balance of an apartment building in Tolmin, which was built more than a hundred years ago and converted into an apartment building in 1989. In the analysis I concentrated on the state of thermal, acoustic and hydro protection of the building and checked their appropriateness compared to currently valid legislation. For this purpose I used programs Ubakus and Hrup13. I gathered the information about the structure of the construction systems and materials used from the project documentation needed for issuing a building permit. The effect of the current state of the building envelope on the living environment was also described in the analysis of the building. Program KI Energija 2019 was used for the calculation of the energy balance. The results of the energy balance are commentated upon and compared with the currently valid legislation. In the second part, an example of a renovation is presented and an energy balance of the renovated building is calculated. All structural changes of the building envelope and new materials used for the renovation are described in the example of renovation. The effects of the changes on the living environment are also described. In the end, the energy balance of the renovated building was made.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;thermal insulation;sound insulations;moisture;Energy balance;PURES 2010;U factor;renovation;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII, 53 str.
ID: 11430207