magistrsko delo
Laura Berus (Author), Saša Zagorc (Mentor)


Vsebina magistrske naloge je osredotočena na pristojnosti, ki jih ima Varuh človekovih pravic na področju otrokovih pravic s poudarkom na pravicah, ki so jim zagotovljene v postopkih, povezanih z družinskimi spori. Kot izhodišče je predstavljen razvoj Varuha človekovih pravic in instituta zagovorništva, ki je pričel delovati pod njegovim okriljem, vse do njegove formalizacije z Zakonom o varuhu človekovih pravic. Bistvo naloge je ugotoviti splošne pristojnosti Varuha in morebitno razliko med delovanjem zagovorništva pred in po uzakonitvi le-tega po letu 2017. Njegov doprinos na področju varstva otrokovih pravic je bistvenega pomena ne le zaradi ranljivega in podrejenega položaja otroka, temveč tudi zaradi še nerealizirane ustavnopravne predvidene možnosti posebnega Varuha, ki bi bil namenjen izključno obravnavanju pobud, ki se tičejo le otrokovih pravic. Naloga se dotakne tudi tujih ureditev, ki institut posebnega varuha otrokovih pravic poznajo, z namenom izpostaviti njegove prednosti in ga približati slovenskemu pravnemu redu.


otrokove pravice;Varuh človekovih pravic;pristojnosti zagovorništva otrok;Varuh otrokovih pravic;obravnava pobud;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [L. Berus]
UDC: 342.7(043.2)
COBISS: 17369937 Link will open in a new window
Views: 561
Downloads: 185
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Competences of Ombudsman in the light of ensuring the rights of the child in the family
Secondary abstract: The content of the master’s thesis is focused on the competences of ombudsman in the field of the rights of the child with the emphasis on the rights which are ensured in the procedures connected with family disputes. As a starting point, the development of ombudsman and the institute of advocacy is presented. The latter started under the auspices of ombudsman until its formalization with the Human Rights Ombudsman Act. The essence of the thesis is to ascertain the general competences of ombudsman and a possible difference between the action of advocacy before and after its enactment after the year 2017. Its contribution in the field of the protection of the rights of the child is essential not only because of the vulnerable and submissive position of the child but also because of the still unfulfilled constitutionally legal envisaged possibility of a special ombudsman who would be intended exclusively to initiative consideration which is connected solely with the rights of the child. The thesis also discusses foreign regimes that know the institute of the special ombudsman for the rights of the child with the intention to point out its advantages and to acquaint Slovenian acquis with them.
Secondary keywords: rights of the child;ombudsman;competences of child advocacy;child-minder;initiative consideration;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 55 f.
ID: 11438271