kriminalistični in kazenskopravni vidiki
Andrej Rot (Author), Primož Gorkič (Mentor)


Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava institut izvedenca v predkazenskem in kazenskem postopku. Ob hitrem razvoju znanosti in tehnološkega napredka se sodniki nemalokrat znajdejo pri presojanju zadev, kjer pravna znanost brez strokovne pomoči izvedenca ne more zagotoviti pravične in utemeljene sodniške odločitve. Pride do trčenja prava in ostalih znanosti. Avtor v začetnem delu naloge predstavi splošne značilnosti izvedenstva v slovenski kazenski zakonodaji in pojasni ureditev izvedenstva v različnih pravnih sistemih. Opiše prednosti in slabosti posamezne ureditve, kar v zaključku poglavja naveže na problematiko ureditve v slovenskem pravnem sistemu s predlaganimi rešitvami za optimizacijo sistema. V nadaljevanju se avtor opredli do vprašanja, kakšne so možnosti odreditve izvedenstva v predkazenskem postopku s strani policije ob sodelovanju preiskovalnega sodnika in državnega tožilca. Osrednji del naloge predstavlja podajanje sodniške dokazne ocene o izvedenskem mnenju. Postavlja se vprašanje, kako naj se in ali se lahko sodnik opredeli do izvedenskega mnenja s področja, o katerem ima pomanjkljivo znanje. Avtor predstavi okvirne napotke in metode, ki naj se jih sodniki držijo pri presoji izvedenskega dela. Zatem sledi predstavitev uporabe strokovnih mnenj s strani obrambe kot instituta za uspešno nasprotovanje dokazu z izvedencem. Obramba se prav tako kot sodnik srečuje s problemom razumevanja zahtevnih znanstvenih področij predmeta izvedenstva in zaradi tega nujno potrebuje pomoč strokovnjaka, s katerim poizkuša vnesti dvom v izvedensko mnenje. Naloga se zaključi s podajo sklepnih misli, ki zaokrožijo predstavljeno vsebino in vsebujejo ideje ter predloge za optimizacijo sistema izvedenstva v slovenskem kazenskopravnem sistemu.


kazensko procesno pravo;predkazenski postopek;kazenski postopek;sodni izvedenci;izvedenstvo;izvedensko mnenje;dokazna ocena;sodniki;obramba;policija;strokovno mnenje;Slovenija;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Rot]
UDC: 343.1(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 13328643 Link will open in a new window
Views: 814
Downloads: 336
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Expert opinion in pre-trial and criminal proceedings - criminal and criminal justice aspects
Secondary abstract: This master thesis deals with the role of the court expert in pre-trial and criminal proceedings. With the rapid development of science and technological advances, judges often find themselves dealing with cases where legal science cannot provide a fair and justified judicial decision without the assistance of an expert. As a result, law and other sciences collide. In the first part of the thesis, the author presents the general characteristics of expert opinion in Slovenian criminal law, and explains how it is regulated different legal systems. It describes the advantages and disadvantages of a particular regulation, and in the end of the chapter connects that to the problems of the regulation in the Slovenian legal system. The author also proposes the solutions for system optimisation. In the next part, the author makes clear his position on the possibilities of ordering a pre-trial expert opinion with the assistance of the investigating magistrate and the public prosecutor. The central part of the thesis deals with the presentation of expert assessment. The question that arises is if and to what extent the judges should consider the expert opinion from the field from which they lack knowledge. In regards to that, the author outlines the guidelines and methods that judges should follow when assessing the work of experts. This is then followed by a presentation of the use of expert opinion by the defence as a tool for successfully opposing the evidence with an expert. Both the defence and the judge are faced with the problem of understanding the complex scientific fields of the subject matter and therefore really need the assistance of a court expert when trying to call into question the expert opinion. The thesis concludes with final thoughts that summarise the content that has been presented and contains ideas as well as suggestions for optimising the system of expert opinion in the Slovenian criminal justice system.
Secondary keywords: pre-trial proceedings;criminal proceedings;court experts;expert opinion;evidence assessment;judges;defence;police;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: VI, 59 f.
ID: 11448643
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