diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa
Alen Zaletelj (Author), Matjaž Knez (Mentor), Igor Grofelnik (Co-mentor)


Električna vozila se vedno bolj vključujejo v naš vsakdanjik. Čeprav njihov začetek sega na konec 19. stoletja, svoj razcvet doživljajo ravno v tem obdobju. Razloge za to lahko iščemo na več različnih področjih, eno od glavnih pa je skrb za okolje in zdravje ljudi. Naše okolje postaja prenasičeno s škodljivimi elementi v zraku, vodo onesnažujejo težke kovine, v hrani pa so nevarne primesi. Zrak je v nekaterih velemestih tako onesnažen, da je že dihanje lahko nevarno, zaradi česar morajo prebivalci nositi maske, ki preprečujejo vhod najbolj strupenih snovi v telo. Zaradi navedenega je pomembno, da se na področju avtomobilizma uveljavijo nova, torej boljša in čistejša, prevozna sredstva. Ena od možnosti so tudi električna vozila, ki so navidezno boljša rešitev od konvencionalnih vozil. Električna vozila za pogon potrebujejo zmogljive akumulatorje, ki vsebujejo določene primesi, slednje pa škodijo človekovemu zdravju in okolju. V tem kontekstu so torej nevarni proces pridobivanja teh snovi, njihova uporaba in razgradnja (uničenje ali ponovna uporaba). Kljub navedenemu bodo električna vozila z izpopolnjevanjem tehnologije, boljšim in učinkovitejšim pridobivanjem potrebnih surovin in pravilno razgradnjo napredovala in v prihodnosti ponujala možnost prevoza, ki bo naravnana bolj okoljevarstveno. Ob tem bo čistejše okolje omogočilo boljše pogoje za življenje, zato se zdi uporaba električnih avtomobilov v prometu pomembna in prava rešitev.


varovanje okolja;onesnaževanje okolja;električna vozila;akumulatorji;cestni promet;transport;logistika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [A. Zaletelj]
UDC: 502/504
COBISS: 25325315 Link will open in a new window
Views: 531
Downloads: 99
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The impact of electric vehicle batteries on human health and environment
Secondary abstract: Electric vehicles are becoming more and more integrated into our everyday lives. Although their origins date back to the end of the 19th century. This is a time for conventionally driven vehicles to loose their long-term dominance. Reason for this is in several different areas, and one of the main ones is of course the concern for the environment and human health. Our environment is becoming oversaturated with harmful elements in the air, heavy metals in the water and dangerous food intoxication. The air in certain cities is so polluted that breathing alone can be dangerous and therefore residents must wear masks that prevent the entry of the most toxic substances into the body. It is indeed high time that a new, better and cleaner version of transport is shown and implemented. Electric vehicles require high-performance batteries, which contain certain chemicals that are harmful and environmentally friendly. We are talking about the process of obtaining these substances, their use and, ultimately, their degradation, destruction or reuse. Certainly, electric vehicles, by improving the technology itself, better and more efficient extraction of the necessary raw materials and proper decommissioning, will advance and offer a better, greener way of transporting people in the future. At the same time, a cleaner environment will mean better and better living conditions. This is a big step and, of course, a step in the right direction.
Secondary keywords: environmental protection;environmental pollution;electric vehicles;batteries;road traffic;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: VIII, 71 str.
ID: 11489762
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