Miroslav Žaberl (Author), Franc Pozderec (Author), Ivanka Oberman (Author)


Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je predstaviti, kako policija zagotavlja varnost državljanov in hkrati skrbi za preprečevanje nevarnosti, ter ugotoviti, kako veljavna zakonodaja vpliva na izvajanje policijskih varnostnih pooblastil. Metode: Glavna metoda v prispevku je metoda deskripcije. S sistematičnim pregledom literature (študij strokovne literature, analiza judikatov, internetni viri) smo pridobili podatke, na podlagi katerih smo raziskali in analizirali pomen varnosti, pomen človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin ter krepitev pravne države, v povezavi s slovensko policijsko zakonodajo. Navedeno nam zagotavlja celostno obravnavanje izbrane tematike. Ugotovitve: Preprečevanje in odpravljanje nevarnosti je osrednja naloga policije, hkrati pa je podlaga za uporabo varnostnih policijskih pooblastil. Pri izvajanju policijskih nalog mora policija delovati le v skladu s policijskimi pooblastili, ki jih predpisujejo zakoni in podzakonski akti. Na podlagi zakonsko določenih pooblastil policija skrbi za uspešno in učinkovito izvrševanje predpisov pri izvedbi določene policijske naloge. Izvajanje vsakega policijskega pooblastila pomeni poseg v določeno človekovo pravico ali temeljno svoboščino. Tu je pomembno predvsem načelo pravne države, ki dosledno veže vse upravne organe tako pri sprejemanju splošnih odločitev kot tudi pri neposrednem odločanju o pravicah in obveznostih posameznikov. Načelo zakonitosti pa je tisto, ki posredno nakazuje na bistvo filozofije izključitve protipravnosti zakonitega delovanja pooblaščene osebe. Je eno izmed temeljnih načel za uporabo varnostnih policijskih pooblastil. Praktična uporabnost: Dobro poznavanje policijskih pooblastil oziroma pravic in dolžnosti, ki jih imajo policisti pri opravljanju svojega dela, je osnova za zakonito, strokovno in korektno izvajanje nalog policije. Evropska konvencija o varstvu človekovih pravic je eden od temeljev, ki ga morajo policisti spoštovati, ko posegajo v ustavno varovane človekove pravice. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Avtorji se v prispevku ukvarjajo s teoretičnimi predpostavkami varnosti, spoštovanja človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin ter krepitvijo pravne države na podlagi slovenske policijske zakonodaje.


varnost;pravna država;policija;policijsko delo;policijska pooblastila;spoštovanje človekovih pravic;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.04 - Professional Article
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
UDC: 351.741:342.7
COBISS: 3419626 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1580-0253
Parent publication: Varstvoslovje
Views: 564
Downloads: 70
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Preventing Danger as a Basis for the Implementation of Police Safety Powers
Secondary abstract: Purpose: The purpose of the article is to present how the police provide security for citizens and at the same time take care to avoid danger. Another goal is to figure out how a valid legislation affects the exercise of police powers. Methods: The main method is a description method. Using the systematic review of literature (study literature, judiciary analysis, Internet resources), we obtained data based on which we explored and analysed the importance of safety, the importance of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, in conjunction with the Slovenian police legislation. All of the above gives us an integrated approach to the selected topic. Findings: Prevention and elimination of risks is a central task of the police. At the same time, it is the basis for the use of police safety powers. When carrying out police tasks, the police must act only in accordance with the police powers prescribed by laws and by-laws. On the basis of statutory powers, police is responsible for the successful and effective enforcement of regulations in carrying out a specific police task. Carrying out police powers constitutes an interference with a particular human right or fundamental freedoms. Above all, the rule of law which is extremely important, is strictly binding for all administrative bodies in accepting general decisions, as well as in direct decision-making on the rights and obligations of individuals. The principle of legality, however, is one that indirectly points to the essence of the philosophy of excluding the unlawfulness of the legitimate act of the authorized person. It is one of the fundamental principles for the use of police safety powers. Practical Implications: Good knowledge of police powers and the rights and obligations held by police officers while performing their work is the basis for the legal, professional and diligent performance of the tasks of the police. The European Convention on Human Rights is one of the cornerstones which police officers must observe when they interfere with the constitutionally protected human rights. Originality/Value: The authors of the article consider theoretical assumptions of security, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law on the basis of Slovenian police legislation.
Secondary keywords: security;rule of law;respect for human rights;
Type (COBISS): Professional work
Pages: str. 273-292
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ19
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ3
Chronology: 2017
ID: 11534066
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